
MISSIONS II. A study of the actual methods of missionary work found in the Word, and of the life and needs of the present-day missionary on the field. Credit, two hours. JEWISH MISSIONS. A study of the history of the Jews, their festivals and customs, their fundamental beliefs, objections to Christianity, and effective methods for their evangelization. Elective. Credit, two hours.



310 MISSIONARY LEADERSHIP. An examination of the problems of the mission field, such as missionaries' relationships to the government, the native church, etc., and the obstacles that hinder true missionary statesmanship. Credit, three hours. 401 -402 PHONETICS (I, II) deals with the science of the articulate sounds of human speech. The sounds of English speech are analyzed, also the sounds peculiar to mission fields. The student is taught how to classify, reproduce, and properly record unfamiliar speech-sounds. Credit, two hours each semester. 415-416 ELEMENTS OF ARABIC. An introduction to written classical Arabic preparatory to reading in the Koran. This course is specifically designed for those looking forward to missionary service in the Moslem world. Admission by permission from the instructor. Elective. Credit, four hours each semester.


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