
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 GO COUGARS!: CHAMPLAIN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL

&/#3&'r#3*&'4 MARINA POPULAIRE La marina de L’Orignal obtient du succès. Le Service des parcs et loisirs de Champlain a créé un profil d’entre- prise Google, car la plupart des gens utilisent maintenant les moteurs de recherche Internet pour trouver des informations. La cote d’étoiles de la marina est passée de 2,8 à 4,1 et la fiche est passée de la page 5 à la page 1, sur une recherche Google de marinas sur la rivière des Outaouais.


CBORVFU BOEB$PVHBST4QBHIFUUJ/JHIU Supper fundraiser. $PVODJMSFWJFXFEBMFUUFSGSPN#FSOJRVÊ during its February 12 session, asking for free access to the community centre banquet/meeting hall above the arena, for UIFDMVCTUXPEJOOFSFWFOUT#FSOJRVÊBMTP asked if the club could use the municipal ball field in L’Orignal, without charge, for its ball tournament, which proved popular last year.

Council members voted support for both requests. The club will now work with the township recreation department on sche- duling both the supper dates and the ball tournament on the municipal facilities events calendar. i5IJT IFMQT B MPU u TBJE #FSOJRVÊ  “because our purpose has always been to keep this team in Vankleek Hill, and provide BTUBSUJOHWFOVFGPSMPDBMIPDLFZQMBZFSTu

Champlain Township council members proved that they are big fans of the Vankleek Hill Cougars. Council showed its support for the local junior hockey club by approving a request from the team’s new owners, for free access to some of the municipal recreation facilities for the club’s main fundraising activities. i8FSF UISJMMFE u TBJE .BSD #FSOJRVÊ  Cougars’ general manager and one of the team’s co-owners. “This will help alleviate TPNFPGPVS PQFSBUJOH FYQFOTFTu Outside of the revenue from ticket sales for Cougars’ home games, the club’s main sources of financial support come from four fundraising projects: the Cougars’ Invitational Golf Tournament, the Cougars’ Three-Pitch #BMM5PVSOBNFOU UIFFOEPGTFBTPODMVC

Les Cougars de Vankleek Hill ont plusieurs partisans à la table du conseil du canton de Champlain. Le conseil a approuvé une demande du club pour l’utilisation gratuite de la salle de réunion du centre communautaire, à l’étage de l’aréna de Vankleek Hill, et du terrain de baseball de L›Orignal, pour certaines des activités de collecte de fonds qui aident à financer l›équipe locale de hockey junior. —archives

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