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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 VTTS DANS LA FORÊT Le personnel du département de la planification et de la foresterie des Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell (CUPR) travaillera avec le club de VTT de l’Est de l’Ontario à l’identification de nou- velles pistes de VTT potentielles dans la forêt Larose. Les nouveaux sentiers remplaceraient les sections de sentiers existantes qui sont reliées aux routes de comté et municipales. L’approbation du conseil des CUPR sera nécessaire pour tout nouveau projet de pistes de VTT. – Gregg Chamberlain RURAL INTERNET COST The quality and cost of rural Internet service came at the end of the February 17 session of Clarence-Rockland council. Ward 8 Councillor Diane Choin- lère noted that many residents in her area had poor or no Internet service. Ward 6 Councillor Christian Simard observed that some rural residents with high-speed broadband from one of the small independent servers have to pay more than urban households do from the big service providers like Bell or


Rogers. – Gregg Chamberlain ACCUSATION D’INFRACTION

Un homme du Bourget a été accusé de violation d’une ordonnance de probation après avoir été arrêté dans le village. La police a procédé à un contrôle routier sur la rue Champlain vers 2h30 du matin le 19 février. Dans une déclara- tion, la police a allégué que le conduc- teur ne respectait pas son ordonnance de probation. Richard Leroux-Bedard, 37 ans, comparaîtra ultérieurement devant le tribunal de L’Orignal. HAMMOND CROSSWALK The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) approved a request from the City of Clarence-Rockland for a new crosswalk on Gendron Road in Hammond near École élémentaire catholique Saint-Mathieu. The UCPR and city will share the cost of the crosswalk installation and the city will pay for any modifications to the sidewalk to accom- modate the new crosswalk. – Gregg Chamberlain.

Xpertek, une entreprise de construction et de développement basée à Vars, veut créer des micro-lodges, similaires à celui illustré, dans la forêt Larose pour profiter de la popularité croissante de l’écotourisme et de la tendance de nombreux résidents de l’Ontario à trouver des possibilités de voyage plus près de chez eux en raison de la pandémie. Les Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell, qui gèrent la forêt communautaire, ont exprimé leur intérêt pour la proposition. —photo fournie


the Larose Forest. “This is an opportunity for the Larose Forest,” said David Ryan of Xperteck, during a QSFTFOUBUJPO'FCSVBSZUPUIF6OJUFE$PVO - UJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMT 6$13 GPSFTUSZBOE planning committee. The Vars-based company proposes a pilot project to set up a small number of micro-lodges, also known as mini-cabins, at selected sites within the community forest. The goal is to take advantage of the trend towards “home-based adventure tourism” that has been growing since the start of the QBOEFNJDBOEUIFSFTUSJDUJPOTUIBU$BOBEB and many other countries have put on cross- border travel. The proposal found great interest and TVQQPSUBNPOHUIFNBZPSTPO6$13DPVODJM during their February 24 session. “I think it’s a fabulous idea,” said Mayor Pierre Leroux of Russell Township. “People aren’t travelling as far now. They’re looking closer to home to get outside.” The Larose Forest straddles the bound- BSZCFUXFFOUIF$JUZPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE BU UIF7JMMBHFPG#PVSHFU BOE5IF/BUJPO Municipality and Russell Township, close to the Village of Limoges, which is located within both those municipalities. %VSJOH IJT QSFTFOUBUJPO UP UIF 6$13 planning and forestry committee, Ryan em- phasized that the micro-lodges would serve

as “overnight sleeping” accommodations, not full-fledged cabins. They would have basic facilities for users and would be available by advance reserva- tion for short-time occupation during the winter and summer seasons by people on extended hiking, cycling or cross-country skiing trips through the region. Pilot project Ryan indicated that Xpertek would design and supply the micro-lodges for the project POTFMFDUFETJUFTUIBU6$13GPSFTUSZTUBGG designated. The company would also look after maintenance of the micro-lodges. The revenue potential, said Ryan, would EFQFOEPOPDDVQBODZ SBUFT#VU IFTVH - gested that “in theory” if the user cost was $115 a night, at 40 per cent occupancy, the potential gross revenue could be $300,000. “I am in favour of a trial project,” said .BZPS'SBOÉPJT4U"NPVSPG5IF/BUJPO -PVJT1SÊWPTU 6$13QMBOOJOHBOEGPSFTUSZ director, told council that the first priority is to determine possible sites for micro lodges before discussions can begin to work out a QSPKFDUBHSFFNFOUCFUXFFOUIF6$13BOE Xpertek. 6$13DPVODJMEJSFDUFE1SÊWPTUBOEIJT staff to pursue the matter with Xpertek with the goal of developing an agreement for a two-year pilot project for micro-lodges in the Larose Forest.

A proposed pilot project to cash in on the “home adventure vacation” trend could see a few micro-lodges set up in 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383 Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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