Choose Princettia for Premium Colors
Pure White Bonpri 974
Red Bonpri 9172
P RINCETTIA is brand of interspecific hybrid euphorbias that bring significant improvements to traditional poinsettias. Compact plants produce dramatically different colors – pinker pinks and whiter whites! Princettia’s naturally branching habit creates more flower clusters with smaller bracts, like a beautiful centerpiece. Retailers and consumer will appreciate their longer shelf life. Princettia varieties are also more heat tolerant and durable in landscapes. Position Princettia as a premium item. Don’t let it get lost as extra colors in a general poinsettia offering. Recommended pot sizes are 4-inch, 6-inch, mixed bowls and combinations. Maximize the opportunity by promoting the Princettia brand as special, because it is! Princettia benefits: ✓ Gorgeous, vibrant, stable colors ✓ Naturally compact with short internodes for nice shape Princettia Can Take the Heat! Princettia hybrids are
more heat tolerant and can withstand temperatures up to 95 ⁰ F in the landscape and to 104 ⁰ F in the greenhouse .
✓ Excellent branching for high productivity ✓ Easy to schedule and plan production ✓ Less prone to signs of chemical damage ✓ Much longer shelf life than traditional poinsettia ✓ Great for landscapes and interiorscapes ✓ Perfect for breast cancer awareness promotions
Pink Bonprilipcom
Princettia Queen Pink TM is Queen Sized! ✓ Whole new plant category ✓ Achieves larger size than compact series ✓ Produces larger, vivid pink bracts
Hot Pink Bonpripicom
Princettia Queen Pink TM Bonpri 1095
Dark Pink Bonpridepcom
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