
park, unload and store materials, etc.? After the initial start, we are typically fine with the client going about their daily routine of work, school, etc. We typically work from 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday to allow the client to continue living in their home while we renovate, if possible and if they choose. If they choose to relocate during the renovation, then regular site meetings and emergency contact numbers should be planned to ensure the client is aware of the progress and any changes from beginning to end.

Until next time, keep your tools ready and your focus on the project!

D an Monk is the owner of Monk Renovations. Dan started in construction when he was 15 as a summer job and has been hooked on construction ever since. He studied engineering at St Francis Xavier Univer- sity and the Technical University of Nova Scotia (Dalhousie University), where he graduated as a civil engineer. Dan is passionate and knowledgeable about construction, project management and client service. Dan proudly and confidently began Monk Renovations from the ground up and has been renovating bathrooms, kitchens, basements, exteriors, decks, additions and anything else you would imagine over the past ten construction seasons. Along this journey, Dan has become an expert in the res- idential renovation/construction industry as an entrepre- neur, civil engineer and most recently, a Red Seal Carpen- ter. Dan’s trustworthiness, professionalism and unrelenting determination has led to many exceptional accomplish- ments such as Most Outstanding Kitchen Renovation of the Year 2017 and Renovator of the Year 2016 & 2018! We are happy and excited to have Dan Monk join our edi- torial team at Spotlight on Business Magazine. We have featured Dan Monk and Monk Renovations twice in the magazine, the April 2016 Issue and July 2017 Issue. Now we look forward to sharing his knowledge and expertise with you each month on different topics related to the construc- tion industry and being a renovations specialist entrepre- neur.



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