Nebraska 11x17_ Why Do I Have Poor Posture

Fun & Games: Sudoku

Patient Spotlight

After falling for the 3rd time, my Doctor sent me for physical therapy to help with my balance. My therapist was very tolerant of my nervousness to try new things, and explained how each exercise would help me. By my last session, I was able to walk up and down stairs by myself and didn’t lose my balance once! I am thankful for the kindness and patience that the NOPT staff has. -Betty “I can walk up and down stairs without losing my balance!!”

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Exercise Essentials

REPEAT TRUNK FLEXION | TO FLOOR Sit in a chair with good posture. Hands on thighs. Let your trunk sag toward the floor use your arms to control the movement. Let your arms dangle to the floor. Now use your arms to push yourself up.

INGREDIENTS • 1/2 lb ground turkey • 1/2 lb ground pork

• 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 1/2 tsp crushed red chili pepper flakes • 3 tbsp butter • 4mediumzucchini, spiralized • lemon juice • salt (to taste) • black pepper (to taste)

Helps relieve back pain.

• 1/2 cup shredded cheese • 1 crumbled bouillon cube • 1 tbsp hot sauce • 1 cup fresh chopped cilantro • 4 cloves garlic, grated + 2 cloves garlic, minced

Turkey Meatballs: Combine ground turkey and pork, cheese, grated garlic, Italian seasoning, bouillon cube, red chili pepper flakes, chopped cilantro and black pepper. Mix well to form medium balls. Arrange meatballs on a plate and set aside. Melt 2 tbsp butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Cook meatballs for 8-10 min on all sides until cooked through. While cooking, baste meatballs in butter and juices. Remove and set aside. Zucchini Noodles: Melt remaining butter and add lemon juice, hot sauce, mincedgarlic, andredpepper flakes.Addzucchini noodlesandcook for3-4min, stirringregularly, untildoneyetstill crisp.Seasonwithsalt/pepperandgarnishwith cilantro. Add themeatballsback to thepanand reheat for about aminute. Serve themeatballs and zucchini noodles immediatelywith a lemon slice on the side.

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