Craven: Fitness In The Summer

HEALTH & WELLNESS TIPS FOR THE SUMMER 5 Nutrition Tips To Get Fit For Summer

1. The type of diet you go on isn’t important. Compliance and caloric deficits are the keys to successful weight loss. So the type of diet you go on doesn’t matter as much as sticking to a particular eating plan. 2. You can have too much of a good thing. There are certain “healthy fats” that are good for your body. These are mostly mono-unsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, such as fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds. However, you can still have too much of a good thing. There are nine calories in every gram of fat, and consuming high levels of calories—no matter what the source is—can lead to weight gain. Control your portions. 3. Divide your plate into four parts. When preparing meals, divide your plate into four equal parts: one part for lean protein (such as meat, fish, poultry, seafood, egg, tofu or beans); one part for carbohydrates (pasta, rice, noodles, potato, corn or bread); and two parts for non-starchy vegetables (e.g. leafy greens, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions).

Try to pick whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat pasta, as your carb—they provide more dietary fibre, which makes you feel fuller for longer. 4. You can drink—just not too much. We know it’s hard to completely cut off alcohol, so we won’t ask you to try. Instead, moderate your consumption to no more than one standard glass of wine. 5. Be in touch with your feelings. Are you hungry, or is it just a craving? Be aware of how your emotions affect what you want to eat. For example, do you eat more when you’re feeling angry, upset, lonely or bored? Use distractions to help control cravings. Go for a walk, phone a friend, take a bath or apply a face mask—anything but stuff yourself when your body isn’t actually asking for food. With summer right on our doorstep, these five lesser-known nutrition tips will help you get fit without sacrificing on health or eating foods you don’t necessary enjoy. So just take out the part about getting bikini ready.

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