Why must face coverings be worn in high school classrooms in red zones? Young people are currently
Why close gyms and stop team sports? Gyms provide an opportunity for people to socialize with others, and so do many sports and leisure activities. Group sports generally involve social contact with teammates. Some sports are difficult to play while maintaining physical distance. Stricter measures in red zones are meant to reduce close contact between individuals and thus slow the spread of COVID-19.
High school students are older and capable of wearing masks or face coverings for longer periods of time. Therefore, in red zones, face coverings must be worn by all high school students at all times in common areas, including in stable class groups, on school grounds, and during electives with different class groups.
overrepresented in COVID-19 case counts and a number of outbreaks have occurred in the school system, mainly in red zones. According to field observations and what we know about how the virus spreads, high schools pose more risk than primary schools.
We need to act now To find out the alert level in your region, consult the map of COVID-19
alert levels by region at Québec.ca/alertlevels
Québec.ca / zonerouge 1 877 644-4545
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