
Movers & Shakers


TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, provider of the home and car insurance program endorsed by Engineers Canada, is proud to be associated with the Engineers Canada Scholarship Programby offering three scholarships for 2019. Three TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarships of $7,500 each Each scholarship will assist the candidate to pursue studies or research in a field other than engineering. The discipline should favour the acquisition of knowledge which enhances performance in the engineering profession. Candidates must be accepted or registered no later than September 2019, in a faculty other than engineering. Application deadline: March 1 st , 2019 Application forms are available at Scholarships to support you on your path to greater knowledge space, equipment, software, and technical assistance provided by the society, Ms. Lea came up with short called Dancing Queen’s Profile , using stop-motion and paper cutouts to tell the story of a woman looking for love online. After premiering in Calgary, the film was picked up by the Strasburg Film Festival in Virginia to be show- cased this fall. Ms. Lea hopes to have the film shown at festivals around the world, then to stream it online. All of this comes after her successful production of a feature-length film she scripted and narrated, Spikes at her Elbow, about a female engineering graduate struggling to find her way in a male-dominated profes- sion in the 1970s. And more projects are underway—so you may well see more of Ms. Lea and her work, on these pages or a screen near you.

STORIES ON FILM Who can resist the glitz and glamour of the film indus- try? Not The PEG , that’s for sure. When we last caught up with caught up with Nattalia Lea, P.Eng. , in time for the spring issue of The PEG , she was fresh off winning third place at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards for Joe Rat , a feature animation screenplay she wrote. She was also deep into pre-development for two television series, Ghetto Moms and Lady with the Iron Ring . So, what’s up this time? Ms. Lea recently attended the Quickdraw Animation Society’s Animation Lockdown weekend, a four-day challenge in Calgary that had participants create and complete an animated film. Taking advantage of the

A re Y ou An e ngineer r eturning to u niversitY ?

Engineers Canada Scholarship Program Help You! Let the

Manulife Scholarships (3) Engineering : To enhance expertise in engineering. Applicants must be accepted or registered full-time in a faculty of engineering, beginning no later than September 2019. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarships (3) Non-engineering : To enhance performance in the engineering profession. Applicants must be accepted or registered full-time in a faculty other than engineering, beginning no later than September 2019.



engineerscanada.ca/awards-and-honours/ scholarship-program or by contacting the Engineers Canada Scholarship Programat awards@engineerscanada.ca

DEADLINE: March 1, 2019

Application form and complete list of criteria at: www.engineerscanada.ca/awards-and-honours/scholarship-program

*The term ENGINEERING is an official mark owned by Engineers Canada. TheTDInsuranceMelocheMonnexhomeandcar insuranceprogram isunderwritten by Security National Insurance Company. It is distributed by Meloche Monnex Financial Services Inc. in Ontario, by Meloche Monnex Insurance and Financial Services Inc. inQuebecandbyTD InsuranceDirectAgency Inc. intherestofCanada. ®TheTDlogoandotherTDtrade-marksarethepropertyofTheToronto-DominionBank.

knowledge ENGINEERING*

Building on

*The term ENGINEERING is an offical mark owned by Engineers Canada.

FALL 2018 PEG | 27

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