Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201512-201601


Ian and Karen Muntelwit Queensland

It’s all about what you do in the next 90 days!

for everyone to grow their business and hold each other accountable. “We have made this a priority in our life and with that made some sacrifices! There are a few more weeds in the garden and dirty laundry lying around the house. Getting together weekly has allowed everyone to check in with where they are and adjust accordingly”. If you have not done so already, take this opportunity to commit to your Melaleuca business for 90 days. Work with your support team and invite the rest of your team to join you on this journey. Together you could find yourself in a similar position as Ian and Karen — advancing your business to Senior Director and changing countless lives along the way!

Having the privilege of connecting and listening to our Marketing Executives on a weekly basis, I am often asked what is the key to those who succeed versus those who don’t. Can you guess what that may be? It’s those that stick with their activity for at least 90 days who see success. It takes at least 90 days to see your efforts pay off sometimes even longer! For many, after a week or two, because they don’t see instant results, they decide to give up, stop working or believe it won’t work all together. I like to think of it like a popcorn maker! It takes a few minutes before the kernels start to pop. If you turned off the machine after ten seconds because the kernels were not popping, you would never experience the joy of eating popcorn! Your Melaleuca business is the same. You need to allow the machine to run long enough before you see the pop! Seeing this proven just recently, Ian and Karen Muntelwit advanced their business to Senior Director 2 in October. When asked what has led to much of their recent success, Ian confirmed it was not only himself and Karen making a 90 day

game plan quarterly, but starting all his new business partners off with a solid 90 day game plan. According to Ian, its key everyone commits to action for at least 90 days. It takes at least that long to see hard work pay off regardless of what you are doing! Often it’s the work he and Karen put in months back that finally comes to fruition. It could be a timing thing or just accommodating everyone’s schedules. It’s the consistency of the activity through the 90 days that makes a difference as well. “If I only worked every third month, I would have to keep starting over and over barely ever getting ahead. How can you expect others to work month in and month out when you are not leading by example? The Pacesetter Programme also fits so well with the 90 day commitment of all new business partners. Essentially everyone has their month of enrolment, plus two additional months to reach Director and receive double the advancement bonus. Making the decision to work for 90 days is one thing, following through is another. Both Karen and he made sure they scheduled weekly meetings

By Jory Russell, Director of Sales


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