Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201512-201601

End Each Day with Reflection reflect

Benjamin Franklin was a master of self-evaluation, looking back every night at what he had done that day. This step of reflection is often overlooked in the sprint towards accomplishment, but it will pave the road of success for you. Try this. Every night, ask yourself this question: what happened? If you did not accomplish your daily directive, answering this question help you figure out why. Maybe you ran into barriers you weren’t prepared for. Maybe you put off making your calls during the day and then you were too busywith a family outing in the evening. What if you were successful? Should you still analyse what happened? Yes. Success leaves clues! Maybe your first few days without eating dessert was absolute torture, but by the end of the week it wasn’t so hard. After events, many companies hold a “postmortem” where those who were involved discuss what went right, what went wrong, and how to do things differently next time. Use the same tactic and you will find ways to work around

A good leader knows that even with the best-laid plans, problems crop up. “Failure is part of the process,” Alex says. “There are ups and downs.” By anticipating and preparing for problems, it’s so much easier to stay on track than if you have to stop everything and reconfigure. Each morning, ask yourself what could get in the way of achieving your daily directive, then come up with a way around the barrier. Perhaps it’s a coworker’s birthday and you know there will be a get-together with cupcakes. If you don’t have a plan, it’s all too easy to smell the chocolate frosting, succumb to the Plan for Barriers plan

atmosphere, and eat a dessert. You can prepare for the obstacle by sharing your goal with your friends so they’ll make sure not to offer you a cupcake, you could bring a healthier snack for yourself to eat, or you could avoid the event altogether. A barrier that Alex warns others about is the emotional roller coaster—getting elated with progress and depressed when there are no results. “You have to control your emotions. Sometimes it does not feel like you’re seeing results,” Alex says. “A lot of times results happen really close to the goal, especially in the Melaleuca business. Stick with the process.”




obstacles, duplicate your success, and streamline your pursuit of goals.

Break down your main goal into smaller tasks. Setting aside $5 a day will help you save a down payment.

Include all steps of the process. After you have your down payment, you’ll need to get preapproved for a loan.

Set a date for each step and you’ll reach your goal on time!



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