Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201512-201601

DREAMBOARDS: The mind is a powerful thing. Multiple studies have shown that just visualising an activity in your mind can yield positive results. In fact, Psychology Today reports that “thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions.” This means that in physical strength, while the group who did weight training saw a 28% gain. The two groups also saw a similar decrease in heart rate and reduction in systolic blood pressure. Just the act of visualising exercise led to physiological changes in their body! Visualising success, particularly visualising the activities that lead to that success, actually impacts your ability to achieve your goals. That’s one of the reasons why Melaleuca encourages all of its Marketing Executives to create a dream board.

just thinking about or visualising successful activities (like approaching a friend about Melaleuca or giving a great Delivering Wellness Overview) can yield a similar response in the brain to actually performing that activity, and the benefits don’t stop there. According to a study in the North American Journal of Psychology, athletes who visualised themselves doing hip flexor exercises saw almost the same strength benefits as those who actually used weight machines to do the exercises. The group who did the mental exercises saw a 24% increase

What is a dream board? Also known as a vision board, a dream board is a collection of pictures and words placed together on a single board that describe your goal and the feeling of achieving it. This board should be prominently displayed somewhere you will see it multiple times a day.

Define Your Goals


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