Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201512-201601


In addition to creating a dream board, you can also practice visualising yourself successfully completing the steps to reach your goals. Athletes have been using visualisation for decades to prepare for big competitions or help them learn a new technique or skill. Visualisation is also effective in the business world. A study in the Consulting Psychology Journal found that job seekers who practiced visualisation techniques were three times more likely to find a job after two months. Whatever goals you’re working toward, here are some tips to help you get the most out of visualisation.

The best visualisation will incorporate more than just sight. Think of the sounds, smells, and feelings you’ll have. What about taste? You want to really put yourself in the experience, not just run through a quick visual.


You can’t visualise an entire marathon in a few minutes. In fact, the time it takes you to visualise an action should be roughly the same as the time it takes you to complete that action. For particularly long activities (like a marathon or delivering an overview) you can break your visualisation up into smaller segments and just focus on the parts you are particularly concerned about. Don’t make it picture perfect.

Many people think of seeing themselves on a movie screen going through the actions. But the most effective visualisation is done from the perspective of the doer, actually seeing and doing things the same way you will when you complete the action.

Write your own success story.

A great way to help flesh out your visualis ation and employ all the senses is to write down in detail how you envision an activity playing out. This will help make your images more detailed and also give you a better idea of what you want to achieve.


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