Special Advancement Edition LIA - US English - 202006


Kellen & Brittney McLaughlin CALIFORNIA Melaleuca: An Alternate Universe

a new Marketing Executive. I just thought, “Wow, this is an alternate universe!’” Brittney’s alternate universe theory was further expanded during her first week after enrolling. “I was coming out of years of network marketing where calling or emailing the corporate offices was pointless because nobody would help me,” she explains. “I was ignored even though I had a big team. But with Melaleuca, even before my first order arrived, my Regional Director called and started a conference call with my new enrollees. He was genuine and he cared, and I was blown away. The culture here is so different than other places. That’s because Melaleuca is anything but MLM. It’s the alternate universe.” Brittney now uses our different culture to help others feel safe as they begin building a business. “I know that the people I share Melaleuca with will be supported,” she says. “I feel really confident knowing that when I bring somebody here to shop, they’re going to have the best experience. And knowing that if they don’t quit on themselves they’re going to have success makes me feel so stable in the things I’m sharing with people.” Speaking of not quitting, Brittney makes it a point to help people believe in themselves. “Never give up on yourself,” she says. “If you believe you’re worthy and that you can do it, nothing will ever stop you. There is a reason you have that dream in your heart. It’s your calling in life to cultivate that and never give up, even when you want to.” With that type of mindset and Brittney’s awesome leadership, it’s clear that she will continue to help many, many people believe in themselves and achieve success with Melaleuca.

Executive Director 2 Brittney McLaughlin was not going to open a Melaleuca shopping account. In fact, she had told her friends National Director 9 Kimberly McCauley and Executive Director 6 Shawna Lambert specifically not to call her about Melaleuca. She was happy shopping from and referring for the company she was in. They supported each other from afar and would talk on the phone periodically, but Brittney wasn’t interested in switching companies. All that changed one day as Brittney was driving home. “The Lord just spoke to my heart,” she says. “He said, ‘Call Shawna right now.’” She did, and she couldn’t believe what she learned. “I didn’t know what was possible here,” Brittney says. “Shawna and Kimberly were explaining the Melaleuca Compensation Plan and the structure here, and I actually told them how sweet they were that they didn’t understand this Compensation Plan. After all, no company would do the things they were explaining.” But the more she investigated, the more Brittney learned that Melaleuca isn’t like any other company in the world. When she realized there was no fine print hiding the possibilities, Brittney was in. She enrolled in September 2019 and has never looked back. “It’s such a blessing to be here,” she says. “Such an honor. In fact, I think I cried every day my first three weeks as

“Melaleuca is such a blessing,” Brittney says. “The business is designed to set up your success in so many ways. Here, if you show up and work really hard and stick to the Critical Activities, success is inevitable.”



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