3.5 SYSTEM REMOVAL: When no longer required, the HLL system should be removed from the job site. To slacken the HLL, connect the crank to the tensioner shaft and rotate clockwise for about 20°, press the Push pin simultaneously and allow the crank to rotate counterclockwise. Disconnect the HLL system from the anchorages. Retract the lifeline back into the housing by connecting the crank handle more likely to the winch shaft and rotate counterclockwise. Ensure there are no knots or kinks in the lifeline as you retract it. 4.0 TRAINING 4.1 It is the responsibility of all users of this equipment to understand these instructions, and are trained in the correct installation, use, and maintenance of this equipment. These individuals must be aware of the consequences of improper installation or use of this equipment. This user manual is not a substitute for a comprehensive training program. Training must be provided on a periodic basis to ensure proficiency of the users. 5.0 INSPECTION 5.1 BEFORE EACH INSTALLATION: Inspect the system components according to these or other manufacturer’s instructions. System components must be formally inspected by a competent person (other than the user) at least annually. Formal inspections should concentrate on visible signs of deterioration or damage to the system components. Items found to be defective must be replaced. Do not use components if inspection reveals an unsafe or defective condition. Record the results of each formal inspection in the Inspection and Maintenance log in section 9. 5.2 INSTALLED SYSTEMS: An inspection of the HLL system by a competent person must be completed after the system is installed. The system must be periodically inspected by a competent person when left installed for an extended period, and prior to each day’s use. Periodic inspections should be performed at least monthly, or more frequently when site conditions and use warrant. Inspections of installed systems should include the inspection steps listed in section 5.4. 5.3 BEFORE SYSTEM USE: STEP 1: Inspect all screws, bolts and nuts. Ensure they are securely attached and tight. Check to see if any bolts, nuts or other parts are missing, or have been substituted or altered in any way. Inspect covers, housings, guards, etc. Ensure they are free of cracks, dents, or other damage. STEP 2: Inspect metal components for rust or corrosion that may affect their strength or operation. STEP 3: Inspect the wire rope for rust, corrosion, broken wires, or other obvious faults. Inspect the synthetic rope for burnt, broken threads, or other obvious faults. Inspect all karabiners and connectors securing the HLL assembly to ensure they are present and properly installed. Inspect the sleeves at the end of the lifeline for damage such as cracks, dents or distortion. STEP 4: Inspect the impact indicator at the end of the lifeline. If the pin is broken, the system has been exposed to an impact force. The system must not be used if the indicator is broken. See Figure 1. STEP 5: Pull sharply on the lifeline close to the device end to ensure that the lifeline is secured. STEP 6: Repeat step 4 of section 3.2 of this manual to ensure that the lifeline is under the correct tension. If not necessary, do not apply any extra-tension on the lifeline during this operation, just make sure that the crank handle “clicks”. STEP 7: Inspect system labels. The labels must be present and fully legible. Replace labels if missing or illegible. WARNING Both ends of the lifeline must be securely attached to appropriate anchors when in use. Never attach the end of the lifeline to a harness to use it in the manner of a winch or SRL.
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