
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — December 6 - 19, 2013 — 5B S hopping C enters N ew J ersey S po light N orthern Jersey City multifamily design features distinctive sections in unified building Laguna opening marks 15-year Poskanzer Skott Architects/Lefrak affiliation



ERSEY CITY, NJ — The recent opening of the Lagu- na residences inJerseyCity ma r k e d

Laguna is a seamless blend of these low and high-rise elements.” A common lobby punctuates the single-build- ing identity. Surrounding the ground-floor retail space and tenant amenities (including a fitness center and children’s playroom), a glass-and-steel “outrigger” canopy defines the exterior walkway and matches the upscale pedestrian-orient- ed concept found throughout the Newport complex. Next door to Laguna, PSA also served as architect of record for LeFrak’s 355-unit Aquablu, which opened in 2009. “Poskanzer Skott is proud to have been instru- mental in bringing vision and

reality to both Laguna and Aquablu,” Poskanzer said. “These two projects are the latest in LeFrak’s multifamily portfolio. They also illustrate the depth and quality of our firm’s client relationships.” PSA is an established, award-winning design and planning firm recognized for its innovative and workable solutions. The company has broad experience in the entire design process from concept to completion working on behalf of office, industrial, re- tail, multifamily, educational, health care and residential real estate clients, including the public, private and non- profit sectors. n

the Laguna, PSAwas involved in the project from the site plan-approval stage through to consulting on the luxury rental’s apartment layouts and exterior finishes and materials. Located directly on the Hudson River Waterfront, within the mixed-use Newport development, the 158-unit Laguna is comprised of a sleek 18-story tower facing Newport Green and an adjoining six- story wing that continues the urban streetscape along River Drive. “The two sections sit in an “L” shape, coming together at the building’s corner,” noted PSA Partner Barry Poskan- zer, AIA . “From a distance,

a 1 5 - y e a r partnership between Le- F r ak , t h e long-estab- lished New York-based real estate d e v e l o p e r,

Barry Poskanzer

and Poskanzer Skott Ar- chitects (PSA) of Ridgewood. During this time, PSA has designed over 800 multifam- ily units and more than three million s/f of office space for LeFrak projects. As the architect of record for

The Laguna residences

NAI Hanson completes $1.4 million industrial sale

REITselectsJonesLangLaSalletomanage 729,756 s/f inFairfield&PineBrook

Fairfield and Pine Brook, NJ — Jones Lang LaSalle was selected by Indus- trial Income Trust Inc. (IIT) to manage six industrial proper- ties, totaling 729,756 s/f, in Fairfield and Pine Brook. The firm will provide a full range of property management ser- vices at the properties for the national industrial real estate investment trust. The JLL team handling the new property management assignment will be led by An- gelaAlfano , VP, who oversees industrial property manage- ment services for the firm throughout New Jersey. The group will work closely with Michael Sargis , regional VP of asset management, and Kate Kilgore , director of asset management, for IIT. “JLL has developed a strong relationship with IIT through- out the United States,” said Linda Aronson , managing director and head of property management for JLL’s subur- ban tri-state markets. “With the addition of the properties in Fairfield and Pine Brook, we manage nearly 1.5 million s/f in industrial real estate for the REIT throughout New Jersey. JLL continues to ex- pand its industrial property

8 Kulick Rd. in Fairfield

LITTLEFALLS, NJ — NAI James E. Hanson announced the sale of a 24,000 s/f indus- trial office building located on Sindle Ave. in Little Falls. The property changed hands at a price of $1,418,565. NAI Hanson senior VP Thomas Ryan and sales associate Russ Verducci represented the buyer, ULI Property, LLC , a newly es- tablished company that will import, service and sell com- puter numerical control (CNC) machines. “ULI Property chose this property because of its loca- tion, which is near various modes of public transporta- tion,” Ryan said. “Because the client will be constantly loading and unloading heavy equipment, the facility was a perfect fit with three loading

docks and 17 foot ceilings.”

In a second transaction, NAI Hanson announced the renewal of a 23,200 s/f lease on an industrial facility located at 8 Kulick Rd. in Fairfield, NJ. NAI Hanson managing di- rector Scott Perkins, SIOR , represented the landlord, Ku- lick Eisenberg LP. The lessee is Solbern, a designer, manu- facturer and supplier of food processing equipment. “Upon the completion of its previous lease, Solbern consid- ered relocating and began to research the surrounding mar- ket,” Perkins said. “However, after testing the market and learning that Kulick Eisenberg would make upgrades to the existing building, the tenant decided that this facility was the best fit for its business.” n

180 Passaic Ave.

management practice and now oversees more than 10 million s/f in industrial real estate in the Garden State.” The property management assignment includes four in- dustrial facilities in Fairfield and two industrial facilties in Pine Brook. The Fairfield properties are all light manu- facturing facilities and include the 89,672 s/f building A and the 105,955 s/f building B at Fairfield Industrial Park, 180 Passaic Ave.; the 92,285 s/f 4 Sperry Rd.; and the 125,692 s/f 80 Little Falls Rd. The Pine Brook properties are also light manufacturing facilities and include the two-building,

182,589 s/f 10 Bloomfield Ave.; and the 133,563 s/f 1 Chapin Rd. In addition to new assign- ments described above, the firm also provides property management services for IIT in New Jersey at the 251,838 s/f warehouse and distribution facility at 300 International Drive in Mt. Olive; the 230,953 s/f warehouse and distribution facility at 261 River Rd. in Clifton; the 151,062 s/f light manufacturing facility at 100 Burma Rd. in Jersey City; and the 103,000 s/f warehouse and distribution facility at 330 South Van Brundt St. in Englewood for IIT. n

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