
Message From The President continued

Claiming Happiness Every Day You can be the most successful recruiter, with the highest retention rate and the best tools implementer. But, if you are not tending to your happiness, you’re missing one of the biggest components of all.

Samurai Tech, Higher Logic and Appliance Tech Once you hire a new employee, you can send him to Samurai Tech for thorough, video training. Go to for more information about this resource. Also, you can introduce them to Higher Logic. This is a database of what other Mr. Appliance technicians have done for almost any appliance problem. To access, visit your FranConnect portal at this link: main and click “Higher Logic” under the Single Sign On Links section.

"If you are not tending to your happiness, you’re missing one of the biggest components of all."

There’s a tremendous video by Shawn Anchor that discusses understanding the advantages of being happy. CLICK HERE to watch that piece. I won’t give it all away, but here are some of the key takeaways: • How to Help People Understand the Advantageous of Being Happy • You need to be smart, but you need to have the right emotional quotient, the right EQ not just the right IQ. • You can’t go outside your values. • To create a lasting positive attitude – think of three things you’re grateful for every day. • Journal each day about two things that went well yesterday. • Exercise and meditate daily. • Perform a random act of kindness every day. Happiness is a choice we make every day. No matter the circumstances, we can choose our outlook. How we respond to situations is our power in them. I hope you’ll take this to heart, and commit to making each remaining day of 2017 the very best it can be… for yourself, your family, your team and your customers.

You could also connect your employee with videos at Appliance Video. It’s a resource paid for by Mr. Appliance corporate operations, which is offered as a free tool to our franchisees. Go to: for more info on this. SmartWare A brand-new software tool called SmartWare is being rolled out for all Mr. Appliance franchisees this year. It’s going to mean a new learning curve, but the added benefits for your business will be well worth the adjustments. There are several new and helpful features included, such as Point of Sale on iPads. This allows your technicians to see the history of jobs while they are helping customers. The software also allows them to have insight into service schedule capabilities. Users will have direct insight into the cost of parts so they can quote more quickly and more accurately. We have chosen a web browser interface for the office version of the software, versus the remote desktop (RDP) making access to the software more universally accepted on computers and smart devices.


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