March, 1940
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Around the King's Table ' E D I T O R I A L
Yes, He ever liveth, and rife is able “to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him.” What an as surance! What comfort of love! What courage comes to the Bible-belieying Christian when he remembers that his Saviour and Lord ever liveth and even now makes intercession for him! The apostles and the early church made much of this great fact. To them the cross was vacant. The tomb was empty. These were symbols of a work accomplished and a worn accepted on their behalf. Hence comes the exhor tation to the Christian: “ Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” (Col. 3:1). The resurrection of our Lord and Sav iour Jesus Christ means little or noth ing to us unless We share His life. This Easter season has little value to us unless we rise above the petty affairs of earth and have Easter in our souls. The Bible abounds with ungainsayable evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but in the final analysis the evi dence that is most satisfying and pre cious to the believer is personal and “To know Christ and to make Him known” — this was the purpose, ex pressed in the conference slogan, which drew increasingly large audiences to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, January 21 to 28, for the fifth annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference. It was estimated that three times as many delegates attended this year as attended any similar conference in previous years. Nor did the people gather in vain, for all of the meetings proved to be “times of refreshing . . . from the presence of the Lord.” Among the vis itors, many of whom were from out of the state, were numerous pastors, Christian workers, and missionaries home on furlough. Many Institute alum ni came from distant points. On the program for the conference were: A. H. Ackley, Louis S. Bau man, Keith L. Brooks, Everett B. Cowan, Charles E. Fuller, Paul Jack- son, Andrew Johnson, John H. Hunter, Herbert Lockyer, James McGinlay, Kenneth M. Monroe, Earl Morgan, William P. Nicholson, George Palmer, P. W. Philpott, A. B. Prichard, Britton
positive. He must be able, to say with the Apostle Paul: “Christ liveth in me.” —P. W. Philpott. The Cause of Crime A few mornings ago, while I was paging through the paper at break- feist, these words halted my progress: “I do not pretend to know the causes of crime.”' The evening before, the warden of Alcatraz had made this, statement before a large Los Angeles audience. For years he has been deal ing with the embittered inmates of two California state prisons, and now he studies those incarcerated by fed eral law. The Word of God reduces the causes of crime to a single word, and it would be well if those dealing with crime and vice would acquaint themselves with this one word and its God-given remedy. Crime is a legal word; vice is a social word; but SIN is a theo logical word. It relates man to God and His revealed will. Indeed, the cause of crime is SIN. —Kenneth M. Monroe. Ross, and Mrs. Edwin B. Young. Presi dent Louis T. Talbot presided at most of the sessions. In regard to the conference, the Dean of the Bible Institute, Kenneth M. Monroe, stated: “The whole stu dent body (over four hundred en rolled) was richly blessed by the chal lenging' messages in the conference sessions. We now look back on the greatest Torrey Memorial Conference that we have ever had and look for ward to even greater blessings. Plans for the next year’s conference have already been discussed.” “Personally,” said Dr. Lockyer, “I feel it was indeed a great privilege to have had a share in a week that in spiritual influence will remain mem orable.” Dr. McGinlay made the fol lowing comment: “During my vari ous travels up and down the land, it has been my happy privilege to attend several of the leading Bible confer ences. At each one my soul has been stirred and my life blessed, but the Torrey Memorial Conference brought me to the mountain peak of spiritual •
“ But There Is a God” Recently, as I was teaching to a class some of the prophecies of Daniel, these first five words of Daniel 2:28 stood out as in bold type. The child of Goa may balance his adversities with the declaration, “But there is a God.” While one is spending days in. “the valley of the shadow,” there still may be joy in the heart because of the con viction, “But there is a God.” “Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong for ever on the throne,” is reversed in the meditation, “But there is a God.” . “But there is a God” who knows. Much depends on the character of our God. Our Lord declares that His Father marks the fall of a sparrow, and adds, “Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” God’s omniscient eye is upon every one of His children, no matter in what travail of soul or mind or body that needy one may find himself. "But there is a God” who is able. “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.” One of the most comforting themes for meditation is contained herein. He is able to make the hills a plain for His children; and, when He does not, it is because He knows that it would not be best. “But there is a God” who is good. “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” As we count our blessings, one by one, we see God’s hand mani festing His lovingkindness toward- us. How precious is this trinity of medi tations to the believer in the time of need!—Kenneth M. Monroe. Resurrection Comfort in a Warring World A little time ago, a Chinese Chris tian, in speaking to an American au dience in California, stated that above everything else China needed the Lord Jesus Christ. “■Why should Christians preach Christ in China?” asked one of his listeners. “ China has Confucius, his teaching, and the religion that has developed from it. Why bring in a new belief ?” “Ah,” replied the Chinese, “we do have the teaching of Confucius, but Confucius is dead. My country is in great distress; war is causing untold suffering. China needs a living Saviour* and Jesus Christ ‘ever liveth.’ ”
Fear and faith cannot keep house together.
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