December, 1945
and of others, surely we should feel keenly the need of light from Heaven on so serious a matter as living the life God wants. This feeling of need will drive us to our Bibles, where we will find the answer. P ~ f ir s AN IDEA By Carlton C. Buck IDEA 1. At the beginning of the New Year, have someone present a list of Scriptural promises on the subject of God’s guidance for His children. Show the necessity of “facing the fu-
J a n u a r y 20,, 1946 How Does One Get Power for Christian Living? TJ'VERY religious program includes a plan for good living. Confucian ism, Mohammedanism, etc., give pre cepts for good human relationships. However, they furnish no power to perform these things. They offer no remedy for a wicked heart. God’s Word supplies both the command and the power to obey it, and, in this respect, it differs from all other re ligious books. The heart longs for the ability to put into practice what the mind desires for good living. This moral strength cannot be found in man’s will, but only in the Word given from Heaven. Micah said, “I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord’’ (3:8). Paul encouraged us to desire this power (2 Cor. 4:7). His own earnest craving was for more of that power for him self (2 Cor. 12:9). It was also his wish that all of God’s people should have it (Col. 1:11). Each child of God should claim His power for life and service. One may know the Bible well, and yet have no power in his min istry. The Sunday school teacher, as well as the pastor, should realize the lack, and claim this blessing from the Spirit of God. There is power to be had; take it as a gift from our Lord. II. WE MAY HAVE THE POWER OF CHRIST (2 Cor. 12:9). That which distinguished Paul as a servant of God was the power of God. Note particularly 2 Corinthians 4:7, Ephesians 1:19, Ephesians 3:7, and Colossians 1:11. When Christ spoke, something happened. The winds and the waves became calm. The grave gave up the dead. The fever disappeared. The bread was multi plied. It is the desire of our Lord that each believer should be filled with the power of Christ so that his life will not be wasted. The words we speak should be with power from Heaven. It is His desire, and we all may have it. III. WE MAY HAVE POWER IN ( FRUIT BEARING (John 15:5). This power is given to those who abide in Christ. They love the Bible and read it constantly. They love the Saviour and commune with Him about His work. They “ lay hold on eternal life,” and seek to learn all that they possibly can of the person and work of Christ and the Holy Spirit. They i 1 For Those Who Have Topics I. WE MAY HAVE THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT (Micah 3:8).
J a n u a r y 13, 1946 Where Does One Get Standards o f Conduct? W E consult the timeable for infor mation about trains. We look in the dictionary for the meaning of a word. We examine the cook book to learn how to prepare a meal. In the same manner, we go to the Word of God to find the right standards for living. If we would live according to the will of God, we must know that will. We shall find it revealed only in the Scriptures. We cannot live as we please or make our own standards of behavior. We must con duct ourselves according to the plain directions of the Scriptures. For Those Who Have Topics I. WE SHOULD WANT A STANDARD OF LIVING (Isa. 8:20; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17). The government establishes stand ards for measurement, as the yard stick, the meter, etc. It has instituted a rule for weights, as the pound, the g ram , etc. It also determines the time measurement, originating at Green wich. It is necessary to determine these standards so that everyone will know just what course to follow in various lines of work. So it must be in the spiritual realm. The decision as to what is right and what is wrong must come from one sovereign source—the risen Lord. We . find His standards in His Word. Our entire "life is covered under three headings: our doing, our loving, and our walking (Micah 6:8). II. WE SHOULD WANT GOD’S ' STANDARDS (Psa. 27:11). Since each one of us must appear before God to give an account of our life, we wish to report to Him that we have lived it according to His will. No matter how well we carry out our own ideas and plans, they will not satisfy in the day of judg ment. We must be assured that we did God’s will, and that we did it in His way. He has graciously re vealed His standards in the Bible. We have it in our own language. There fore, we should rejoice in the revela tion of His will in His Word for our lives. God in Heaven asks us to listen to His Son. The Son asks us to listen to His Spirit. The Spirit asks us to listen to His Word. III. WE SHOULD REALIZE OUR IGNORANCE (Psa. 73:22). How can we tell whether our acts and plans are according to the will of •God? We have minds that are defiled by sin, or dwarfed and bent by evil. Our knowledge has been af fected by our traditions. As we con- sider the failures of our own lives
ture with Christ." Suggested passages: Psalm 23:12; Psalm 139:10; Isaiah 40:11; Matthew 9:9, etc. IDEA 2. Especially adapted to the younger groups is the idea of makina New Year’s resolutions, using as the per fect example the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. For in stance, take the sacred name of Jesus, and see how many vir- tues can be listed by using the initial letters of the word. Here is a good illustration: “Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I promise Him that I will strive to be: J-ust; E-arn- est; S-acrificial; U-pright; S- piritual.” IDEA 3. Take the topics for the last three months, assign to different members the read ing of certain religious books in the aeneral field of the top ics to be discussed, and ask them to prepare five-minute book reports. A report each week on the appropriate book would supplement the discus- sion of the topic. IDEA 4. Why not have a “Calendar Party" for the Jan uary social? Invitations In the form of small calendars could be mailed out. Use games built around the months of the year; days of the week and dates in history might also serve. At some time during the evening, build your social calendar for the year. For re freshments, be sure that dates are on the menu.
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IV. WE SHOULD ACCEPT GOD’S STANDARDS (Jer. 15:16). One thing characterized the men of God in Bible times and in the early days of the Church. When they heard God’s Word, they accepted it as final. Peter said, “Thou hast the words of eternal life.’’ When once that truth grips the heart, then it is easy to let God’s standards control the life. The Psalmist said, “The entrance of thy words giveth light . . .” The Scrip tures not only reveal God’s standards of conduct, but also give the enabling power to put them i n t o practice. Human books tell men what to do to gratify men; God’s Book tells men what to do to please God and He fur nishes the power wherewith to ac complish it.
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