Requirements Certification V13

Training systems

Requirements for Certification / V13 2023-12-04

7.4.2 After the inclusion of the new site in the certificate, it shall be accounted for along with the previous ones when determining the total man-day allocation for future surveillance or re-certification audits purposes

7.5 Methodology for Auditing a Multi-Site Training Provider Using Site Sampling: Extension of Scope 7.5.1 If a multi-site provider wishes to offer additional GWO standards or modules, a specific extension of scope audit shall be conducted at least in one of the sites in which the new standards or modules are planned to be delivered. This must be a physical audit

7.5.2 If the GWO standards or modules are planned to be delivered in different training settings, an audit for each of the training settings shall be conducted

7.5.3 The audit will verify that the quality management system for the multi-site training provider supports the delivery of the new GWO standard, module or setting, specifically in regards:


qualification of instructors


equipment and physical resources; and

c. risk assessments for the delivery of the new module

7.5.4 Verification of 7.5.3 will be required for each of the sites in which the new standards or modules are planned to be delivered. This verification can be conducted remotely via review of records and visual assessment of equipment and physical resources, using Microsoft Teams or alternative options.

7.5.5 Applicable legal requirements will be reviewed for each site in which the GWO standards or modules are planned to be delivered

7.5.6 Lesson plans shall be common to all training sites and training settings in which the new standards or modules will be delivered

7.5.7 Once the extension of scope audit has successfully been completed and upon verification of requirements in 7.5.3 for each site, a certificate can be granted for the new standards or modules at every site listed in the multi-site certificate 7.5.8 Following the extension of scope audit, the new GWO standards or modules shall be brought up to the same certification cycle as for the rest of the GWO standards or modules and training settings in the multi-site certificate 7.6 Qualification of Internal Auditors 7.6.1 Auditors who wish to perform GWO internal audits for a multi-site training provider must successfully complete the GWO Auditor Qualification Training (AQT), which is designed as an entry qualification course for new auditors. Criteria for acceptance into AQT will be either ISO 9001 or ISO 45001 internal auditor qualification or alternative training that includes audit skills and knowledge on how management systems must be audited

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