PT Specialties_Having A Healthy Spione Prevents Back Pain


• Blood flow will improve to your muscles. Hydrostatic pressure of water helps with increasing oxygenated blood flow to the muscles which helps to speed up the healing process. Working in water also improves your heart and lung function because they have to work against the pressure of water. • Your perception of pain decreases in the water. The environment of our 92 o F pool is pleasing and soothing to the body. Your muscles will have a chance to relax and you will enjoy the time spent in the pool. Call for a free consultation to see if water exercise is appropriate for you 925.417.8005.

Back pain canmake it hard tomove around— sometimes it hurts somuch that one tries to rest by sitting and lying down. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help in the long run. The cycle of resting makes one weaker and then even less tolerant to daily activates. Instead of falling into that rut, head for the pool! Aquatic therapists and exercise coaches use gentle and safe techniques to alleviate back pain and help it from becoming worse. Back pain is generally the cause of weak back muscles and/or abdominal muscles. Working out in the pool can strengthen those muscles as well as all the surrounding muscles helping to better support your spine. Working out in water has many benefits, the special properties can make exercising less painful andmore enjoyable. The water helps to unload your spine, which assists in taking stress off your back allowing you to move easily, usually without pain.

Staying active is key to staying strong, so don’t get stuck on that sofa or nice warm bed when you have back pain. Water is beneficial regardless of age or fitness level, our therapists and water exercise coaches are extremely qualified to design a treatment plan that best suits your needs. If you suffer with back pain from injury or nagging arthritis but aren’t yet ready tomake that plunge into water exercise, here are some of the benefits that might make you think twice: • Water supports up to 90% of your body weight, putting less stress on your joints and spine, increasing range of motion in ways that gravity prevents on land. • You will strengthen your muscles without further risk of injury. Moving in water will challenge and increase your strength because water offers 12 timesmore resistance than air—but you will hardly feel it.

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