Shelter® Operator Manual | SF1000

CAUTION: • INSPECT FLUE PIPES, JOINTS AND SEALS REGULARLY TO ENSURE THAT SMOKE AND FLUE GASES ARE NOT DRAWING INTO, AND ARE NOT BEING CIRCULATED BY THE AIR-CIRCULATION SYSTEM. • CLEANING OF THE HEAT EXCHANGER, FLUE PIPE, CHIMNEY AND DRAFT INDUCER (IF USED), IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT AT THE END OF THE HEATING SEASON TO MINIMIZE CORROSION DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS CAUSED BY THE ACCUMULATED ASH. • Never use chemicals or gasoline to start or maintain your fire. • Do not burn oil, garbage, trash, plastic, or any fuel other than wood in your furnace. Doing so will void the warranty. • DO NOT leave the ash pan inside your furnace during operation. WARNING: RISK OF FIRE • DO NOT operate with flue draft exceeding .08 water column inches (19.9 Pa). • DO NOT store fuel or other combustible materials within marked installation clearances. • Inspect and clean flues and chimney regularly. • DO NOT operate your furnace with the fuel or ash doors open. WARNING: NEVER fuel your furnace with wet, unseasoned wood or wood that has been exposed to a recent rainfall. Burning wood with high moisture content will cause a rapid accumulation of hazardous creosote, which has been proven to be the most common cause of flue fires. NEVER burn plastics, any wood product containing glue, or wood treated with chemical preservatives in your furnace. The combustion of these substances may release harmful, toxic gases. Do Not Burn: • Garbage; • Lawn clippings or yard waste; • Materials containing rubber, including tires; • Materials containing plastic; • Waste petroleum products, paints or paint thinners, or asphalt products; • Materials containing asbestos; • Construction or demolition debris; • Railroad ties or pressure-treated wood; • Manure or animal remains; • Salt water driftwood or other previously salt water saturated materials; • Unseasoned wood; or • Paper products, cardboard, plywood, or particleboard. The prohibition against burning these materials does not prohibit the use of fire starters made from paper, cardboard, saw dust, wax and similar substances for the purpose of starting a fire in a wood heater. DANGER: RISK OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION – do not burn garbage, gasoline, naphtha, engine oil, or other flammable liquids/inappropriate materials. Supplemental Outside Combustion air may be necessary if: • The solid-fuel-fired appliance does not draw steadily, smells, experiences smoke rollout, burns poorly, or back-drafts whether or not there is combustion present. Opening a window slightly on a calm day may alleviate these symptoms. • The house is equipped with a well-sealed vapor barrier and tight fitting windows, and/or has any powered devices which exhaust house air. • There is excessive condensation on windows in the winter. • A ventilation system is installed in the house.


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