
$31,900 raised Students and staff at Laggan Public School raised about $2,000 during the Terry Fox National School Run Day, making the school one of the top fundraisers within the Upper Canada District School Board. Across the system, at last report, a sum of $31,900 had been raised for cancer research in the an- nual UCDSB campaign. Some board schools have yet to report results for the run and the overall fundraising total is expected to climb, said Mark Calder, a senior commu- nications officer with the board. “I am ex- tremely proud of the support our staff and students offered today in Terry’s memory,” said Superintendent David Coombs. “Can- cer touches us all and it’s heartening to see the devotion to Terry’s cause as we aim for a cure to eradicate this terrible disease.” Get your shot It is time to roll up the sleeves and get your shots. Starting October 21, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit will begin holding free seasonal flu immunization clinics through- out the five Eastern Counties. In addition to the drop-in clinics that have been offered in the past, the health unit will also hold clinics by appointment this year for families with young children, and for people with physi- cal limitations, medical conditions or special needs. A pamphlet announcing clinic dates, times and locations has been mailed out to every household. The pamphlet can also be found on the EOHU’s website at www. “You need to get the flu shot every year to be protected because the viruses that cause the flu do change frequently,” ex- plains Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health. “The flu can cause serious illness and even death for some people. The vac- cine is safe and your best protection against the flu. It’s free and available for everyone A new division, soccer and cross-country running are being added to the Upper Can- ada District School Board’s popular elemen- tary sports league. A grades 4-6 division is being introduced to the league that previ- ously consisted of a grades 7-8 category. Apart from the new sports, both divisions will compete in track and field, basketball, and volleyball, which were introduced last year, said Superintendent David Coombs. The cir- cuit has been expanded to bring more ath- letic opportunities to elementary students within the board, said Coombs. “Up until now, the athletic opportunities offered to our elementary students have been very uneven across the board,” said Coombs. “In some ar- eas, they have been very well organized and in others they have not. We want to even the opportunities for all of our students, no mat- ter where they go to school. Our goal is to get kids active and foster a greater sense of belonging through sports.”The two divisions will be split into six competitive regions. The champions from each region will gather to compete for the Upper Canada Cup cham- pionship in each sport. The competitions will be held at different times during the year: cross-country running in September and Oc- tober; soccer in October and November; bas- ketball in January and February; volleyball in March and April; and track and field in May and June. League grows

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