

MP Freeman tops area spending list at $400,000

2012-2013 report on MPs’ expenses. Meanwhile, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Conservative MP Pierre Lemieux claimed $380,000 for publicity, travel and office ex- penses. One big reason Freeman’s costs were higher than Lemieux’s was because she re- ceived a $15,826 allowance for a secondary residence. Members who do not live in the

National Capital Region can charge expens- es related to their secondary residence. Members, like Lemieux, whose constitu- ency is located in the National Capital Re- gion are not eligible to claim secondary residence expenses. However, Lemieux outspent her almost two to one on mail-outs to constituents. The report covers the period from April 1,

2012 to March 31, 2013. Most of Freeman’s expenses -- $230,753 – were employees’ salaries and service contracts. Advertising cost $28,491 while she spent another $19,640 on mail-outs to households and $19,640 on constituency offices. Materials and supplies totalled $13,273 while telecommunication services cost $9,960. Travel expenses were $16,570 for the MP and $16,930 for employees. Lemieux’s salaries and service contracts totalled $233,644. He spent $29,523 on mass mail-outs to households and another $10,197 on “ten- percenters,” smaller quantities of materials sent to constituents. Lemieux’s constituency offices cost $29,846 and $12,351 on telecommunica- tion services. Travel costs for the MP were $15,091. Members may use up to 10 per cent of their budget for advertising (ranges from $28,470 to $35,780). Householders are printed materials sent by MPs to inform their constituents about parliamentary ac- tivities and issues. Members are allowed to print and mail up to four householders per calendar year per household. Ten percent- ers are printed or photocopied materials reproduced in quantities not exceeding 10 per cent of the total number of households in a member’s constituency. Telecommu- nication expenses cover computers, tablet devices, printers and other related equip- ment.


Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel New Dem- ocratic Party MP Mylène Freeman spent $401,000 in office, travel and advertis- ing expenses last year, according to the

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Le conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell a rejeté, mardi, une suggestion voulant que le gouvernement régional aide au financement d’un nouveau poste pour le détachement de la Police provin- ciale de l’Ontario à Hawkesbury. Parce que ses dettes sont élevées, la municipalité doit trouver des partenaires avant de ré- aliser le projet qui pourrait coûter jusqu’ à 10 millions $. Lors d’une réunion récente, le conseil municipal a adopté une recom- mandation du directeur général Jean- Yves Carrier, qui conclut que « la Ville se doit d’être imaginative pour financer ce projet par l’entremise d’un ou plusieurs partenaires gouvernementaux ».

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An Ivaco Rolling Mills worker suffered severe burns Tuesday afternoon while working with a cutting torch at the steel mill on County Road 17 west of L’Orignal. The victim, aged between 55 and 60, was airlifted to the burn treatment centre in Toronto following the 2:30 p.m. accident, says Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police detachment spokesman Constable Ken Gray. The incident is being investigated by the O.P.P. and the Ontario Ministry of Labour.

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