Rural summit rolls out Olympic-class guest
development themes according to the event’s tagline: “The summit where all the important topics of our economy will be discussed.” Event officials confirmed Garneau as the headliner for the summit. The president and founder of Québec-based Louis Garneau Sports is involved in the business side of sports gear and athletics on a global scale while still continuing his involvement in the field of competitive cycling which culminat- ed in his representing Canada at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Garneau is one of 10 confirmed leaders and experts in business and economics who will head seminars and workshops during the summit. Also on board for the event are Mike Lew- is who will be talking about “commonsense strategies” for social, economic and envi-
ronmental change; Paul Born on the topic of community ties; Christopher Rees on alternative energy projects and programs that can benefit the rural sector, Pierre Cléroux concerning economic prosperity in the rural sector, Rahaf Harfoush on work and business in the 21st-century Informa- tion Age society, Tonya Surman on the link between social innovation and the econo- my, Brock Dickinson concerning emerging sectors in the rural economy, Robin Morris on food hubs and local food resources in the economy, and Peter McDermott, who will talk about MDI, a successful 50-year so- cial enterprise. More details on the rural summit, includ- ing workshop schedules and other special features, will be posted as they are con- firmed on the event website at www.som- met2014summit.ca.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L’ORIGNAL | He has made a name for him- self representing Canada in both athlet- ics and in business. Now Olympian cyclist Louis Garneau will share both his experi- ences and advice for success on and off the cycling track with local entrepreneurs at the Ontario Rural Economic Summit. Organizers for the three-day event in Rockland later this spring announced the all-star lineup of guest speakers and work- shop leaders to media, summit sponsors, and others during a Feb. 19 press confer- ence in the counties council chamber in L’Orignal. “This is a premier event,” said Warden Jean-Paul St-Pierre of the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR). “It is the first summit of its kind in Ontario.” The UCPR is partnered with the Prescott- Russell Community Development Corpo-
ration, one of the main organizing groups behind the rural summit this year, and its key allies for the event, the Eastern Ontario Training Board and Groupe Convex. Major sponsors supporting the event include the regional social services agency Valoris, local big-name businesses like Potvin Construc- tion, and financial groups like Desjardins. Running from April 30 to May 2 from the primary conference site at the Canadian In- ternational Hockey Academy in Rockland, the summit will focus on rural economic prove river access for recreation. The park area is one of the most popular with locals and tourists. RÉNOVATIONS Armoires de cuisine Multi finis Décaper • Teindre • Vernir PIERRE MARCOUX 613 446-5744 G182424_TS
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PLANTAGENET | A section of the South Na- tion River shoreline is getting a facelift. The South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) has a shoreline improvement project in the works for the Jessup’s Falls Conserva- tion Area it maintains near Plantagenet. The plan involves willow plantations along the shoreline to help hold the soil in place and repair erosion damage. The wil- lows will also provide habitat for waterfowl and fish and help improve water quality. SNC will also add two concrete ramps to extend the existing boat launch and im- Park shoreline work
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