Twelve months of Cookson Adventures

ROYA L MANAS NAT I ONA L PARK Explore Bhutan’s first national park and hike alongside a wildlife expert in search of the highly endangered Royal Bengal tiger, the Asian elephant and clouded leopard. Meet with the head park ranger and learn about the park’s progressive conservation practices. WI TNE S S MONK R I TUA L S Visit a seventeenth-century monastery in the world’s only official Buddhist country and witness monks performing age-old blessings and rituals in a temple set high in the mountains. A N I GHT AT THE T I GE R ’ S NE S T Accompanied by His Holiness Khedrupchen Rinpoche, visit Bhutan’s most famous landmark Paro Taktsang, the Tiger’s Nest, perched on a cliff alongside a majestic crystal waterfall. In this seventeenth-century temple complex, built at the cave site where Buddhism was introduced to Bhutan, be led in private meditation. Upon returning from high in the clouds, relax with soothing massage and spa treatments. V I S I T THE I SOL AT ED V I L L AGE S OF SAK T ENG Be among a small number to visit the isolated village of Sakteng and witness a culture preserved through time. In this beautiful alpine landscape, you can meet the Brokpas people, who have their own distinctive language, dress, culture and traditions. Y E T I WI L D L I F E SANCTUARY In an area protected by royal decree by the fourth King of Bhutan, explore the Yeti Wildlife Sanctuary and discover nomadic tribes and thick forests of vibrant flowers in what was thought to be home to this mythical creature.

Clockwise from left: Overlooking the picturesque Paro Town, known for its many sacred sites and historical buildings | Monks and nuns in Bhutan, distinguished by their maroon robes, spend their days in study, prayer and meditation | Bhutan is committed to doubling the world’s wild tigers by 2022



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