Twelve months of Cookson Adventures

D I NE WI TH A CONS E RVAT I ON I S T Enjoy lunch at a renowned local restaurant before meeting the founding director of the National Biodiversity Centre in Bhutan. Tour the Royal Gene Bank that he established and gain insights into Bhutan’s world-leading conservation programme. COOK WI TH A LOCA L CHE F Inspired by Chinese, Tibetan and Indian culture, Bhutanese cuisine is little known outside the country. Meet with our favourite local chef and learn how to create these lavishly decorated dishes. F E S T I VA L S At this time of year there are a number of celebratory and sacred festivals in Bhutan. One spectacular three- day event named Thimphu Tshechu is an opportunity for Buddhist followers to clean themselves of bad karma and gather with people unified by the same traditions and spiritual beliefs. A N I GHT ON A SACR ED MOUNTA I N Stay in a tented camp on the side of a sacred mountain, on possibly uncharted territory. As spirits are said to dwell on mountain peaks it is forbidden for travellers to scale them, but perch close by for a thrilling night’s adventure. E XP LOR E L AYA V I L L AGE Visit the remote Laya Village, Bhutan’s northernmost settlement, and explore its glacial lakes and semi- nomadic yak herders. H I K I NG From snowy mountains to humid jungles, Bhutan’s diverse landscapes offer a vast range of terrains. Follow our expert guide into the wilderness and discover a country with a profusion of natural beauty.

Clockwise from left: Children play in freshly-laid snow at Merak Village | A hand-held prayer wheel | Yaks in Bhutan are the main source of livelihood for high altitude residents | The country’s intricate architecture is a marvel to behold



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