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also guarantees a share of financing for the project. Guitard noted that a preliminary estimate of $122,000 for the township’s 35 per cent of the cost for an accessibility park could be spread over a two-year period through the municipal budget. The proposed location for the park would CFDMPTFUPUIFOFX4QPSUT%PNF5IFQBSL design would provide both children and seniors with mobility issues a chance to enjoy some form of outdoor exercise and recreation.

“I love this idea,” said Councillor Cindy Saucier, while Mayor Pierre Leroux wondered if the township might be able to use a portion of its development charges fund towards the municipal share of the project. Guitard noted that first the township must submit a proposal for merit approval from the support fund. Results on the merit approval request won’t be available until late summer or early fall. If the answer is “yes” then the recreation department can report to council with further details on the project idea.

Russell Township’s Parks and Recreation Department is looking into the possibi- lity of a future park project to meet the needs of children and adults who use wheelchairs or have other types of mobility issues. “I think it is time for the township to have one,” said the department’s director Céline Guitard, during the May 20 session of township council. She told council that there is a new senior government assistance program for developing accessible park projects, similar to Sacha’s Park in the Village of L’Orignal in Champlain Township. That park, developed in memory of Sacha Chenier, was created with the aid of a fundraising project launched by the Chenier family, with the support of Cham- plain Township and many local businesses, groups and individuals in the township and other surrounding communities. The new accessibility park program will provide shared funding aid, ranging from $350,000 to $1 million, for an approved project provided that the community involved L’une des options évoquées pour relo- caliser la succursale d’Embrun de la Bibliothèque publique de Russell soit de construire un édifice sur le terrain du parc Yahoo, ne fait pas l’unanimité. Maurice Lemieux, qui a été parmi les bâtisseurs des installations récréatives TJUVÊFTTVSMBSVF#MBJT OFDPNQSFOEQBT pourquoi une telle option a été envisagée. « Faites juste vous imaginer un édifice de 8000 pieds carrés, plus 25 espaces de stationnement (sur ce terrain). Un tel édifice bloquerait la vue actuelle du grand espace », a-t-il partagé. M. Lemieux se souvient que, 50 ans passés, le comité duquel il faisait partie s’oc- cupait des opérations et du développement EFMFTQBDFSÊDSÊBUJGEFMBSVF#MBJTjø0OB construit l’aréna, le centre récréatif, le terrain de baseball… On a installé des lumières et la cabane qui sert de toilettes avec tout CAROLINE PRÉVOST


Some homeowners in Russell Township want to know if they can keep a few chickens in their backyard so they can have fresh- laid eggs at their convenience. The subject of home chicken coops came up during the May 20 township council session after Public Safety and &OGPSDFNFOU%JSFDUPS.JMMJF#PVSEFBV presented a report on a new animal care and control bylaw for the municipa- lity. Councillor Cindy Saucier noted that she has received several calls from people asking about keeping chickens in their backyards. “There are people who do have them,” Saucier said during a later inter- view. She pointed out that they keep a small fenced area for the chickens, so they can have fresh eggs. Later during the public question QFSJPE  &NCSVO SFTJEFOU $IBSMFT Armstrong asked why the proposed new bylaw forbids private ownership of certain animals. He added that he understands why the township might not want people keeping some ani- mals that represent a potential risk, like certain species of snake, but he wondered why pigeons and doves might be included. The proposed bylaw expands on the existing one that focuses on dogs. %JSFDUPS#PVSEFBVOPUFEUIBUUIFCZMBX is based on the City of Ottawa’s animal control regulations, which has sections dealing with exotic species though she does not believe that doves would be classed as an exotic bird. The first draft of the proposed new animal control bylaw will be posted on the township website for public comment either through social media, emails and regular letters to the muni- cipal office. Administration will review the comments and make any amend- ments necessary before bringing the draft bylaw back to council later in the season for second and third reading.

Un parc destiné aux enfants et aux adultes ayant des problèmes de mobilité pourrait être aménagé prochainement dans la Municipalité de Russell. —archives


l’argent que nous avions amassé, grâce à notre implication dans la communauté. » Il se souvient que le terrain du Parc Yahoo avait été acheté pour « le futur des activités récréatives ». &ODFTFOT JMJNBHJOFTVSDFUFSSBJOEFT installations pour pratiquer des activités extérieures. Il aurait bien imaginé le parc de planche à roulettes à cet endroit, celui qui a été installé dans le stationnement du $FOUSFSÊDSÊBUJGE&NCSVO Le mandat de cibler l’espace idéal pour la SFMPDBMJTBUJPOEFMBTVDDVSTBMFE&NCSVO BD - tuellement située dans le pavillon La Croisée de l’École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean, a été confié à un sous-comité conjoint entre la bibliothèque et la Municipalité de Russell. Un rapport présenté au conseil municipal de Russell et au conseil de la bibliothèque, le 19 avril dernier, recommandait qu’un nouvel édifice soit construit sur un terrain municipal. %BOTDFNËNFSBQQPSU POQSPQPTBJUMFT terrains de l’hôtel de ville ou celui du Parc Yahoo. Mais les deux conseils ne s’entendent

pas quant à la direction à donner à ce projet. %FTNFNCSFTEVDPOTFJMNVOJDJQBMTPOU contre la construction d’un nouvel édifice. Une réunion extraordinaire conjointe entre le conseil municipal et le conseil de la bibliothèque est prévue le 31 mai prochain, afin que les deux conseils arrivent à un consensus. Maurice Lemieux, one of the original builders of the Blais Street recreational facilities, does not understand why an option is being considered. «Imagine a 8,000 square foot building plus 25 parking spaces (on this lot).” —photo Caroline Prévost

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