
12B — September 27 - October 10, 2013 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildinGs

kline’s Services, inc. Redefining ‘Waste’ via Renewable Energy

 Monitor and Control your Heat and Hot Water Remotely  Manage Your Residential or Commercial Properties, Assisted Living Facilities or Garden Apartment Complex  Impact the Environment by Reducing Wasteful Energy Consumption  No Building is too Big or too Small to Benefit from our System


line’s Services, Inc. specializes in com- mercial wastewater

Like many businesses, Kline’s is seeking to become more eco-friendly and reduce its carbon footprint. To do that the company initiated a three-phase renewable energy system project that produces renewable energy while re- ducing waste and negative environmental impacts. From a public health and environmental perspective, Kline’s Renewable Energy System Project is one of the most beneficial ways of dealing with the waste collected by the company. Phase I of the project, a Food2Fuel initiative, was

completed in 2008. This facil- ity extracts brown grease from restaurants and food process- ing facilities that Kline’s ser- vices and converts the waste into a viable alternative heat- ing fuel. Since the facility opened in 2009, it has produced in excess of 65,000 gallons of oil that’s used to fuel not only the boiler of the facility, but also serves as heating oil for four build- ings on the Kline’s campus. Through this effort the com- pany was able to save $91,000 in fuel costs in 2010. Phase I is already producing positive results. Kline’s is not only providing an alterna- tive fuel from waste, but also providing heat for processing efficiency in their facilities and reducing emissions. The next phase of the proj- ect, a methane digester initia- tive, was completed in 2012. The methane digester coupled with a generator converts food processing wastes from several waste streams it cur- rently handles into electric- ity. Those waste streams in- clude bakery products donuts, cookies); dairy products ice cream, milk, cheese); snack food products pretzels, chips); and meat, poultry and fish processing. Kline’s Services commercial methane digester is the first of its kind in Pennsylvania and believed to be unique to any part of our country. While food and manure di- gesters have existed for years, with some even in Lancaster County, they have been de- signed for a specific waste, e.g. cheese or yeast, etc. Kline’s methane digester handles multiple food wastes and, as such, is processing many forms of food product. The plan is to share the experiences with others and to continue to work on innovative methods to turn the waste collected into energy. The new generator takes methane from the company’s new methane digester and converts it into electricity. When the generator began working at 100%, it is now able to power the entire plant, as well as produce enough electricity to power about 420 homes. Since the generator went online May 2012, Kline’s Ser- vices has reached a milestone of generating more than six continued on page 15a

m a n a g e - ment, septic tank clean- ing , sewer and d r a i n c l e a n i n g , and residen- tial clogged drain clean- ing . Head- quartered in

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Nancy Zigment

Salunga (Lancaster County), PA, the company has served customers in central Pennsyl- vania and northern Maryland for more than 55 years.

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Don Richardson



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