Cohort 10 - Pinning Program Book

Makaju Shrestha, Melissa

Munguia, Kimberly

Previous degree: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy This nursing program was a rollercoaster ride for me. I would laink de teon ct ho aunr akgme my ef anmt ti hl yr oe us pg ehcoiua tl l tyhme yp rhougsrbaamn.dI fcooruhl di sn s’ tuhpapvoer t done it without him.

Previous degree: Bachelor of Science in Biology “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go ilnostoqtuhieerwoomrludchanod! do good.” —MM Gracias mamá y papá,

Medina, Alyssa

Nguyen, Peter

Previous degree : Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences To my family, thank you for always loving and supporting me. Mom as un cdc De eadd ,byuot ua gl saov tehme ef r aelel dt oh me t tooo fl isn, dg umi dya on wc en, apnadt hl,oavnedI In' lel ef do re edvteor b e gT roa At edf ruila. nI t, tf he ea lns kg yo oo ud ftoor bael wh ea ryes , baenidn gI ht hoepree Ia' vned mmaadkei nygo um ae l lf eperl ol ui kde. I cnoe uwl df rai ec cnodms pf rloi smh aa nn yatmh ianzgi ni ng ct ho eh omr ot , mI ' emn tsso Igflealdt ltiok eh agvi vei ng og nuep t. hTroo mu gyh tshc hi sowo li tdhu yr oi nug gau py as .nIdtehmi ni ck cwoeu lbdo hnadveed mi na ad ewhaayptpheant . oYnol yu na ul l rasri ne gg o i n g to be wonderful nurses!

Previous degree: Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training It is hard to believe we are graduating today because it feels as tahnodusgthr uwg eg ljeuss, ti ts taal rl twe de nytebs tyetrodoa yf a. sDt e. sI paimt e tahlal nokf ftuhlef ot rri bhuo lwa t i o n s mf a mu ci hl yI ahnadv ef r gi er no dwsnetnhoruoguhg,heosuptetchi ai sl l py rfoogr rtahmo s. eI cwa hn on odte tahl ta nwki tmh y mf a cyual nt yx ioeft yC,SsUt rSetsasn, iasnl aduhs awn hg roydme voomt eedn ttsh. eTi rh at inmk eyaonudt oe faf ol lrot sf . tIh e wm oe u. Tl dhne'rt ebies wh ohne re es tIl ya mn oi fwi at ywfaosrnm' t ef otro tphaoys ee vwehr yoosnuep pb oa cr kt e, db u t I he xocpi et eedv teor ysoe ne ewkhneorwe st hheo fwu tmu ruec hw Ii l al pt apkr ee cailal toe f tuhse ma s. II aa mm confident everyone will land where they belong.

Nguyen, Tu

Montoya, Leslie

Previous degree : Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry It is going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible. Every new day is another chance to change your life.

Previous degree: Bachelor of Science in Nutrition No puedo expresar con palabras lo feliz que estoy de ft irna ablamj aern ct eo me sot aern uf enr mp aesroa .mE ás st ocye rect ae rdnea mc uemn pt el i ar gmr ai ds eu ceiñdoa dc oe n leos st ep pr or of egsroarme sa qpua er ah ba rni nt rdaabranj oa sd oa amr ids ucaommepnat ñe ear ol os lya rag mo íd ee l cPoe nr oo cmi má si einmt op onret caenst aer, iqoupi earroa ac go rnavdeer ct ierrn ao smei nf aemn fi el irampeorro s . cdruerearnst ei e mmiptrrea ey ne cmt oí ryi abarci na dd aé mr mi ceaepl aarpaolyoog rqaure enset oc e. Is iwt éa n t t o tt hr aainnkma yl l colfa tshs me sattaefsf awnhdo mweo trok ebde caor md ueonuus rl ys et so. tTehaicshi sa n d hwoitnheosutltyyaoduraelal.mThcaonmkeytoruu!e, and I could not have done it

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