Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Directory for Sandwe…

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) 0121 612 6620 Open: 9 am – 5 pm, Mon to Fri


Web: https://www.blackcountryminds.com/ CAMHS work with all children up to 18 years old with complex, severe or enduring emotional and mental health problems who are registered with a local GP. To access these services, you must be referred by a professional, for example school staff, social worker, or health professionals through to SPA (Single Point of Access). Children in Care – Mental Health & Wellbeing Service Open: 9 am – 5 pm, Mon to Fri with flexibility to meet needs of children and young people Email: SandwellCIC_MHWB@barnardos.org.uk C T A This is a service to support the emotional wellbeing of children and young people in care and care leavers aged 5-25. There are 3 pathways; 8-session support for children and young people entering into the care system, 4-6 month support for children, young people and carers who have experienced 2 or more unplanned moves and 6 month support for young people aged 16-25 leaving care. The referral pathway is directly from social workers and service managers at Sandwell Children’s Trust.

Communities in Sync Email: info@communitiesinsync.info


Web: https://communitiesinsync.info/ A dynamic partnership of quality health, social care and well-being providers working together to improve the well-being of local adults, especially the most vulnerable, through the provision of high quality, responsive, services and initiatives. CIS is a collaboration of many local grassroots and user-led services throughout Sandwell, who are delivering wellbeing support through a range of services and interventions. Services include; single point of access for community offer, Parents Advocacy Guidance and Empowerment (PAGE) and the new Wider Determinants of Health initiative. Supporting residents with a range of social, environmental and economic factors which impact directly on the health (physical and mental) of the local population.

Cranstoun Sandwell 0121 553 1333


Open: 9 am – 5 pm, Mon to Fri except bank holiday Address: Cranstoun Sandwell, Alberta Building, 128b Oldbury Road, Smethwick, B66 1JE Email: sandwellreferrals@cranstoun.org.uk Web: https://cranstoun.org/help-and-advice/alcohol-other-drugs/sandwell/ Cranstoun Sandwell provides free and confidential advice and support to adults who would like to talk about alcohol or drugs. They use a person-centred and flexible approach to help you, your family and friends to make positive changes including emotional wellbeing and mental health. You will have access to information and advice, assessments, drug and alcohol detoxification, family information and support, 1-to-1 sessions, group sessions and programmes, health MOTs, recovery focused treatment, needle exchange, prescribing services and recovery champions. You can self-refer via the referral form on their website, or a professional can refer you.


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