Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Directory for Sandwe…

referral from a professional. They offer counselling and other services. You can also access resources via their website.

Tough Enough to Care 07572 314 953 (Not 24/7) or text support: Text for free to TOUGH to 85258 24/7 A

Email: Info@toughenoughtocare.org Web: https://toughenoughtocare.org/

Tough Enough to Care offer separate peer support groups for men and women, giving a non- judgmental, safe space for people to support each other and be supported. Groups run at varied times and locations throughout the UK, check website for details of your nearest group. Tough Enough to Care also offer mental health awareness sessions, Mental Health and Suicide First Aid training as well as providing confidential online support via email & social media.

West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership 0121 626 6060 Email: vrp@westmidlands.police.uk Web: https://westmidlands-vrp.org/supporting-places/sandwell/


The Partnership aims to reduce violent crime and has a team within Sandwell. It benefits from the expertise of partners in public health, criminal justice, sports, education and policing in order to take a collaborative approach. The Partnership Helping Communities Fund supports programmes based on local community needs. This includes children and young adult ’ s up to 25 years old emotional wellbeing programmes both for victims of crime and also those who may have caused harm to others, due in part to their own wellbeing. Examples of funded projects include ‘Believe to Achieve’ which is mentoring for children and families, ‘Box Clever’ for children up to 18 (plus links on the VRP directory to other services suitable for adults) and contribute to Sandwell youth services for detached youth work where support is given to young people who are out & about in the community. They also lead on free trauma informed training for professionals Wolverhampton LGBT+ (WLGBT+) 07824 031 187 A Open: 10 am – 6 pm, Mon to Wednesday. 10 am – 4:30 pm, Thursday and Friday.

Email: info@wolverhamptonlgbt.org Web: https://wolverhamptonlgbt.org/

WLGBT+ provide counselling and social activities for the LGBT+ community and allies of the community in The Black Country including Sandwell. Other activities range from yoga to sewing and include group activities for each strand of the LGBT+ community. Most activities are run from their hub in Wolverhampton. Counselling can be provided in person or by phone/video call. WLGBT+ provide services for those 18.+ VIP membership is available on their website which allows members to attend all activities for free.


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