FLOWER’S HOUSE Don't Count Your Ostriches By Bruce Goodman Directed by Henry Briscoe
JACOBS HOUSE Gods Will Be Boys By Bruce Goodman Directed by Josh Johnston
RICHARDS HOUSE Murder at Merryweather Mansion By Lauren Jones Directed by George Simpson This proved to be a melodramatic rollercoaster of mystery, hatred and emotions. Oscar Gosling revelled in his role as Queen Bee and Scott Gregan made an excellent corpse. More guns were needed to create the mayhem. ROLLESTON HOUSE Murder at Merryweather Mansion By Lauren Jones Directed by Harrison Lund There were guns aplenty in this energetic production, where William Koko jumped up onto the coffee table in high heels. George Lill was an entertaining detective, and the play went off with a bang – or 10. SCHOOL HOUSE Us & Them By David Campton Directed by Ben Davis and Kit Lamb This was a strong ensemble cast with directors who understood the need to create suspicion and mistrust on both sides of the wall, leading to the inevitable explosion into battle. Max Charteris, Daniel Qi and Sam Averill were particularly strong, and the directors interpreted the script well. SOMES HOUSE The Waiting Game By Bruce Goodman Directed by Charlie Owens and Ethan Manera The opening play of the festival proved very successful, ultimately winning the Tothill Cup. The directors used Goodman’s play as a vehicle for their own interpolations, adding obvious comic touches that were greatly enjoyed by the audience but which significantly altered the intention of the playwright.
Henry’s decision to use a young cast will pay huge dividends in the future because he has taught so many of them the way to present strongly on stage. This absurdist play demonstrates the consequences of various megalomaniacal power plays.
With such a promising cast of senior boys, the high expectations were not realised because too much was left to the last minute. The cast forgot the primary need to rehearse thoroughly and work as a team, which meant the play itself suffered. JULIUS HOUSE Gods Will Be Boys By Bruce Goodman Directed by Josh Mortensen and Ben Pownall Freddie and Hugo Sudell, along with Thimeth Wijesinghe, carried the bulk of the action, which needed a stronger ensemble approach to this complex play. There were some original contemporary references and Cupid was wonderfully surprised by the power of his arrows.
HARPER HOUSE The Waiting Game By Bruce Goodman Directed by Jamie Barr
Harper House chose to play a strong safe interpretation of this excellent script and the whole cast enjoyed performing it with urgency. They captured the humour and the absurdist futility of filling in time. It was a delight to watch.
Christ’s College Canterbury
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