Register 2020

In the classroom The junior programme for Year 9 and 10 students continued as normal. The boys got into a range of activities and were challenged to create their own games, manage in-class competitions and experience different games from other cultures. Through it all, the key focal points of building a good skills base, applying good techniques and gaining a better understanding of tactics, became the common themes. The boys also continued their good work in Health lessons, with the focus on exploring a range of issues and using the information to make good choices related to their own wellbeing. In Year 11, the annual Stroke and Stride event returned, with the boys performing to a very high standard. We built on the successful introduction of strength and conditioning into this course last year with more scheduled sessions. These sessions were expertly run by Head Strength & Conditioning Coach Kris Miller. Having his expertise available to work with the boys in the fitness centre was a huge positive and helped to tie the strength and conditioning component into other aspects of the course. In the Year 11 option class, the boys continued to perform well, with some of them producing outstanding work. The highlight of the year was the annual Safety in the Outdoors field trip to Adrenalin Forest and Spencer Park in Term 4. In Year 12, the ever-popular classic of canoe polo got the boys busy, and they once again did a nice job of coaching different Year 9 classes in a range of sports. Year 13 saw a change in courses this year, with a Sports Leadership course being offered for the first time. This course was created to complement the existing Year 13 NCEA course. It was designed with a focus primarily on the practical aspects of physical education and the technical aspects of coaching and managing people, rather than the heavy literacy content that is required for other

students took advantage of a sunny day to visit the Arts Centre and enjoy the delicious crêpes sold at the Bleu Des Crêpes street stall. The young Belgium stall owners were very happy to converse with the boys as they ate. Following on from last year, the Year 10 French students perfected their crêpe making skills in the classroom, and Year 9 students were initiated into the perennial quest for the “perfect crêpe circle”. Japanese students also enjoyed making their version of pancakes, so our “MasterChef International Experience” was very successful, despite the limitations of working out of a normal classroom. I congratulate all our language students for their patience, perseverance and commitment to keeping up with language learning throughout the pandemic. No one gave up. I would also like to thank my colleagues in the Modern Languages department who worked tirelessly to come up with creative and imaginative ways to deliver their teaching and learning programmes through these difficult times. Post lockdown, we are definitely more “digitally savvy” and, as a languages community, we are all very happy to actually be physically present once again as we support each other on the journey towards linguistic proficiency.

current capacity issues, and although we were utilising all available spaces – the pool, gym, fitness centre, table tennis room and outdoor spaces – we were still limited as to what programmes we could deliver. What is pleasing from a departmental perspective is the fantastic news that the College Board has agreed to plan for the new Upper West multi-functional sports hall. This new facility will allow our physical education, sport and wellbeing programmes to grow further and develop into new areas. Staff Changes The department saw a bit of change this year, with Head of Department Chris Needle taking a year’s leave to live and work in Melbourne, Australia, and Henry Smith stepping into the role of Acting Head of Department. Teacher Ben Sheat was employed to cover Chris’s teaching load, and he also took on the role of Master in Charge of Basketball. Towards the end of the year Chris resigned, and Henry Smith was made the permanent HoD of the department. We wish Chris all the best with his new opportunities and thank him for all the time and energy he put into developing the department and its curriculum. His professionalism, great rapport with the boys and enthusiasm for all things Physical Education & Health will be greatly missed around the department. Achievement Overall, the boys are still achieving at a good level compared to similar schools. There is a steady level of achievement, with a high percentage of overall grades being at Merit and Excellence levels. There has been a dip in some areas where students have found things a bit more difficult and in the new health standards that were introduced at Level 1. Compared to the national average, we are achieving well and have made gains in standards where we have previously not performed as well. The boys continue to work hard and do their best to deal with the demands of a fully internally assessed subject.

Susan Harding HoD Modern Languages

PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH 2020 will undoubtedly go down as a year of turbulence and change within the Physical Education & Health department. The Covid-19 pandemic and its subsequent restrictions meant the department was busy redesigning teaching programmes, guidelines and expectations to ensure we could operate safely and effectively within our new norm. The restrictions placed on us due to Covid certainly highlighted the


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