Gem Publishing July 2018

... continued f rom cover So how can you find one more new patient a week? We recommend you take a deep dive into “9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow and Adding at LEAST $150,000.” To find that on the website, head on over to “Site Map,” navigate to “Advanced Marketing Brain Trust,” and scroll down to 036, and you’ll find the PDF file. I know you’re thinking, “Tom, the title says we’re adding $150,000 a year, but one new patient a week only generates $60,000.” But if you apply yourself to the following principles, you won’t just add one new patient a week. You’ll more than likely add at least a couple new patients per week … and I’m using a conservative ALV of $4,800 per patient. Yours may be significantly higher! To achieve the results you desire from each step of the “9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow and Adding at LEAST $150,000,” apply the following 6 Marketing Gems. For doctors who get excited about adding one new patient marketing strategy with hopes of improving their practice, it won’t work. 6–8 marketing strategies minimum are required from the get-go. When you implement these strategies, you’re likely to find that two or three of them don’t work. Once you find out which ones are underperforming, cease implementing those and add other new patient marketing strategies. Let’s say you are a doctor from another planet, and you’re in your spaceship exploring the universe. Your mission is to seek out new life and heal them. You land on earth, and you don’t know anything about human anatomy and physiology. The only instrument you have is an oral thermometer. So you put it in someone’s mouth, and it reads 98.6 degrees. But that doesn’t mean anything to you. You have no barometer for understanding because you don’t know what’s normal. The same concept applies to knowing whether or not your marketing dollars are working for you! When you monitor the effectiveness of your patient acquisition strategies, plan on investing about $250–$300 per new patient. If you run an ad that costs you $2,000 and you get six or eight patients scheduled, you’ve done well. 1. 6–8 Consistent Simultaneous Strategies 2. Cost of Acquisition Barometer

patients who do come in for a visit, the 20/20/20 New Patient Exam is a strategy you can use to protect you and your time.

During the first 20 minutes, your assistant begins with radiographs and a review of the patient’s medical and dental histories, etc. This is followed by 20 minutes of doctor time. Your initial exam. This is not meant to be a comprehensive treatment- planning session! Get to know your new patient first. Plan just an initial/simple phase of care. (See No. 5 below.) AVOID reserving an hour of doctor time for new patient visits. If you get one no-show a day and five in a week, then you just wasted five hours of the doctor’s time. The fact is that the 20/20/20 and a minimal/initial phase I plan exam will help you RETAIN more new patients and gain higher treatment acceptance in the long run. It’s all on the website. Go to 012 “Anatomy of the New Patient Visit Part I.” There, you can find extensive detail. You might be asking, “But Tom, how is that possible for you to do a complete, thorough, and comprehensive evaluation, examination, and treatment plan in 20 minutes?” As I mentioned in No. 4 above, you can’t. That’s not what we’re trying to accomplish. We are trying to build LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS via trust. The timing of the comprehensive eval and planning is critical. For most asymptomatic patients, the first visit is the worst time to tell them they need $15,000 of care. Go to 012 “Anatomy of the New Patient Visit Part I.” On “Shark Tank,” Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, says, “If I give you a hundred $1 bills, each one is going out with marching orders. They need to go out there and bring more back with them.” Well, when they come back, you need to know where they came from. Every dollar needs to be accounted for in marketing, and that can only be done with a thorough tracking system. So are you ready for the step-by-step plan to rapidly boost new patient flow? Stay tuned for next month’s edition of “New Frontiers of 5. The Story Behind the 20/20/20 New Patient Exam 6. SwimWith the Sharks (Eat or Be Eaten!)

Dental Practice Success” where we go through each of the 9 Keys (the actual marketing strategies) that will change your practice — and your life.


Don’t be surprised, concerned, or bummed out if a strategy doesn’t work. That’s why we suggest not committing more than $3,000 to any one tactic until it’s proven to work for your practice.

4. Preframe Expectations

You’re going to get three kinds of people from your marketing. The ones who never show up in the first place. The ones who just come in for the freebie. And the third kind, who are nice, happy patients and who refer their friends and family. Expect that some of your new patients are going to be no-shows. For

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