King's Business - 1919-11



WHY THEY WENT TO CHURCH Mrs. Clogg went to find out where the missionary meeting would be held. Willie Jones went because his mother made him. His sister went because she had her hair up for the first time. Sadie Williams went to flirt with the Scott boy. The Scott boy went to flirt with Sadie Williams. James. B. Jenkins went because he had done so for fourteen years. The sexton Vent because he had to pump the organ. Anne Fitch went because she needed the money she earned singing in the choir. George Sewell went because he had finished the Sunday supplement. Rodney Lewis went because he was wearing his first derby hat. Mrs. Jackson went because she liked to sing and thought she could. Old man Staples went to get away from his wife. The minister went because he was paid to do so, and, besides, he liked to talk.—Life. i n DISOBEDIENT CHILDREN “I have given a great deal of atten­ tion to this subject,” said a warden recently, “for a number of years past, and I have come to the deliberate con­ clusion that the chief cause of crime is disobedience to parents. A whole gen­ eration of boys grow up, in this coun­ try, who were never taught to obey; and when they reach young manhood they snap their fingers in the face of the law, determined to do as they please. When they come into this prison the first thing is to teach them to obey, a lesson they have never learned at home. ate What will your part be in the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles?

but not a law against peyote. Just as soon as the victims of morphine, co­ caine and other similar drugs, among the white people, find out the effects of peyote, and how easily it may he ob­ tained, the reader may see that such habitues will substitute the Indian peyote for the drugs now forbidden by our laws. For the sake of white men, who may yet fall a victim to this awful hahit; for the sake of the Indian, now led far astray by its use; for the sake of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the pray­ ers and co-operation of all good people is asked in the dealing of a death-blow to the pernicious peyote. —Richard H. Harper. It is reported that Dr. Auguste Du­ rand, land owner and proprietor of the newspaper “La Prensa,” has sold ap­ proximately 800,000 acres of land near Huanuco, on the Amazon watershed, to a Japanese syndicate. Three hundred thousand additional acres are in nego­ tiation. We would like to call the attention of every believer to the peril to Peru and to America gr,owing out of this move­ ment on the part of Japan. It has been the privilege of the Institution to hold services on the boats carrying many of these Japanese colonists to Peru, and to have the satisfaction of seeing many of them confess the Lord Jesus as Saviour. At present there is no evangelist or missionary among the thousands of Jap­ anese that have gone to Peru, but Budd­ hist priests have accompanied them. We have been praying that God will raise up some thoroughly equipped and qualified native Japanese to carry the) Gospel to these people. Will you not join us in prayer that this may be ac­ complished, if it please the Lord. -¿Ms- ate ate HEATHENIZING PERU.

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