FC1000E/SF1000E/X1020/L1020: EPA 2020 Certification Report

8431 Murphy Drive Middleton, WI 53562

Telephone: 608-836-4400 Facsimile: 608-831-9279 www.intertek.com/building

TEST REPORT FOR HY-C COMPANY, LLC Report No.: 104415176MID-002AR2 Date: 11/09/21

E T = (c s – c r ) Q sd θ = (0.000555 - 0.000074) x 150 x 180 = 13.00g δE T /δc s = Q std • Θ = 150 • 180 = 27,000 δE T /δc r = Q std • Θ = 150 • 180 = 27,000 δE T /δQ std = c s • Θ – c r • Θ = 0.000555 • 180 – 0.000074 • 180 = 0.08667 δE T /δΘ = c s • Q std – c r • Q std = 0.000555 • 180 – 0.000074 • 180 = 0.07222 MU ET = √(27,000 • 0.0000081) 2 + (27,000 • 0.00001) 2 (0.08667 • 3) 2 √ + (0.07222 • 0.1) 2 = 0.436

Thus the result in this example would be: ET = 13.00g ± 0.44 g at a 95% confidence level. EFFICIENCY – CSA B415.1 The change in enthalpy of the circulating air shall be calculated using the moisture content and temperature rise of the circulating air, as follows:

Δ h = Δ t (1.006 + 1.84x)

Where: Δ h

= change in enthalpy, kJ/kg

Δ t = temperature rise, °C 1.006 = specific heat of air, kJ/kg °C 1.84

= specific heat of water vapor, kJ/kg °C


= humidity ratio, kg/kg

The equivalent duct diameter shall be calculated as follows:

ED = 2HW/H+W

Where: ED

= equivalent duct diameter


= duct height, m = duct width, m


The air flow velocity shall be calculated as follows:

V = F p x C p x 34.97 x √T/28.56(P baro + P s )

where V

= velocity, m/s

F P = Pitot tube calibration factor determined from vane anemometer measurements C P = Pitot factor = 0.99 for a standard Pitot tube or as determined by calibration for a Type S Pitot tube 34.97 = Pitot tube constant Note: The Pitot tube constant is determined on the basis of the following units:

Version: 03/13/18

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