San Diego Natural History Museum
Judy Gradwohl, President and CEO Judy Gradwohl is a trailblazer in her field—she was involved in early e ff orts to conserve tropical forests, built the Smithsonian’s first website, and is the first female president and CEO of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Her perspective and leadership have accelerated the museum’s financial stability as the organization approaches its milestone 150th anniversary. Judy is dedicated to raising awareness of the region’s unique—but threatened— ecosystems through regionwide conservation e ff orts and leads the charge when it comes to connecting the community to nature through innovative exhibits, outdoor activities, and virtual programs. She’s opened doors for women in leadership and helped pave the way for those who follow her. “I love the opportunity to make a di ff erence in our region, both for nature and people. I’m excited to take a San Diego tradition into its next 150 years!”
1788 El Prado San Diego, California 92101 619-232-3821
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