Board Converting News, July 6, 2020



plate performance on PM quality resulted in $500,000 in potential cost savings for his mill. He is an Eagle Scout who continues to support Scouting in his community, among other service activities. John Edwards is an Operations Superintendent at Domtar. “Making a positive impact on people” is a driving force for Edwards, an NCSU gradu- ate who was instrumental in recent water reduction efforts at his mill. He is already a respected leader at his mill and aspires to continue to de- velop his leadership skills to serve as a mentor to others. Edwards is a staunch contributor to his communi- ty and his church and serves as secretary of TAPPI’s Pa- permaking Technology and Operations Committee. Natasha Melton is a Senior Researcher WestRock, where she has worked to develop aqueous coating solu- tions for paperboard, ranging from graphical print quali- John Edwards


Haire Group is the premier provider of new machinery for the corrugated industry. As the exclusive US & Canadian agent for one of the largest machinery manufacturers in the world, Haire Group is able to pair clients with the best machinery solutions for the best value to meet their spe- cific needs. As an operating partner of the US-based DFA Technical Support Center (a joint venture of Haire Group and Dong Fang), Haire Group delivers top-notch 24/7 pro- fessional, reliable service and support, maximizing quality and uptime. Additionally, Haire Group has been the indus- try’s #1 pre-owned machinery broker and plant equipment appraiser since 1976. HarperLove is the leading provider of specialty adhesives, performance additives, and wet-strength resins to corru- gated packaging manufacturers. With the largest and most experienced field service and technical support team posi- tioned throughout the U.S. and Latin America, HarperLove has a long-standing reputation for providing outstanding service and delivering demonstrable performance improve- ments. HarperLove’s renowned services include not only innovative product development and custom product for- mulation, but also machine and process assessments, ad- hesive formula adjustments, machine tuning, detailed ser- vice reporting, and more. HARPERLOVE

ty enhancement to development of new and sustainable materials for barrier performance in packag- ing. She graduated cum laude from James Madison University with a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnolo- gy. Melton led the Richmond Women of Science and Engineering Diversity

Natasha Melton

and Inclusion team; served as guest speaker at Virginia Commonwealth University, discussing the pulp and paper industry; and led the “Pathways to Science” event, men- toring Hispanic high school students interested in STEM careers. Nika Wanserski is a Shift Supervisor Neenah Inc., where she strives every day to solve problems and de- velop engineering solutions. She is fascinated by both the


Kiwiplan - premier worldwide software provider of enter- prise-wide, fully automatic solutions specifically for the cor- rugating and packaging industries. Kiwiplan’s Total Solution delivers comprehensive, seamless real-time flow of infor- mation from sales order management to dynamic total plant scheduling and inventory control through shipping.

business and operational aspects of the paper industry and hopes to eventually serve as a VP of opera- tions. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Wanser- ski triple-majored in Paper Science, Chemical Engineering, and Spanish, with minors in Biofuels and Chemis-


Manufacturer of Marotape®, Marotape®Plus, Marotape® FPT and MaroString™; hot melt coated tapes and strings used for reinforcement and easy-open features for pack- aging. Marotech Inc. also manufactures state-of-the-art dispensing and tape placement equipments to optimize the productivity of applying hot melt coated tapes in pack- aging.

Nika Wanserski

try; her hard work earned her the 2016 PIMA Student of the Year Award. She is dedicated to safety leadership on the job, and to community service in her free time. TAPPI Journal Names Best Paper Every year, the TAPPI Journal Editorial Board honors the best of the publications content by nominating and voting for the Best Research Paper, which is ultimately se- lected based on the scientific merit, innovation, creativity, and clarity of the nominated papers. This year’s winning topic is related to the recovery cy- cle, and the paper title and authors, all from the University



July 6, 2020

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