Improved access to (productive) resources (finance, land and water) and employment
Space for political participation and citizen engagement
This pathway is linked to the Voice principle “Leave No One Behind”. Voice understands this pathway as a process of acquiring the means and support to express and raise one’s voice. Grantee partners and rightsholders who attain self-awareness and self-confidence can take leadership and speak truth to power, articulating the dreams and aspirations of their group to influence change.
Improved access to social services, in particular in health and education
This pathway is linked to the Voice principle “Nothing About Us Without Us”. Voice understands this pathway as a process where rightsholders and their representatives use a range of approaches to influence individuals, families, communities, private businesses, religious leaders, the media and other decision and policy makers to create a conducive en- vironment for scaling and sustaining their empowerment and amplification.
The three pathways are linked to different forms of coming to voice, connecting voices, combining efforts to Leave No One Behind, and raising voices to demand rights and influence others to take action or change. The rightsholders’ journeys are visualised evolving along and across three pathways of change we have named Empower, Amplify and Influence.
The narratives collected from grantee partners and rightsholders confirm three core assumptions around Voice’s pathways of change. It holds true across the ten countries that the rightsholders groups Voice serves “are ready to work on their own empowerment”, that they “are willing to influence through sharing experiences and forming new alliances based on aligned values”, and also that rightsholders “are able to find and identify role models and allies within government bodies, (other) civil society organisations, and/or local authorities”. Furthermore, the grantee partners’ stories confirm the interdependence of the three pathways. This confirms the overall logic underpinning the design of the Voice theory of change and as such, validates Voice’s vision for moving towards the programme’s overall goal.
This pathway is linked to the Voice principle “Coming to Voice”. Voice
understands this pathway as a process by which rightsholders gain power over their own lives and make their own decisions. They do this by creating safe spaces to meet, increasing their confidence, and building their own awareness and skills.
For those curious to dive deeper, you can find a summary as well as a full narrative of the Voice ToC on our website.
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