Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - August 2019



Breakfast is the meal that fuels your brain and body for the day ahead, so why not make it the best meal of the day? There are simple tweaks that can make your home-cooked breakfast the best breakfast you’ve ever had. Put away the cereal and bust out the skillet because things are about to get truly delicious. Read on! THE SILKIEST SCRAMBLED EGGS There are many methods for achieving great scrambled eggs, but how does one create the best eggs? The secret is air. In the words of Bob Ross, you have to “beat the devil out of ’em.” Start by cracking a few eggs into a bowl (and add a pinch of salt and pepper, if desired). With a whisk, beat them until smooth. The eggs should start to look light and airy. Then, pour the eggs into a skillet set to medium-low heat. Continue to whisk for a few more seconds. Then, with a spatula, turn the eggs as they begin to curdle. They are done the instant no runny liquid remains. Quickly remove them from heat when they look just underdone and still moist.

delicious bacon — start cooking bacon in the oven. All you need is a baking tray and a wire rack that fits in the tray. Start by heating your oven to 350 F. While it heats, line the tray

with foil, insert the rack, and lay the bacon over the rack. Cook the bacon for about 15 minutes. Keep an eye on it after about the 10-minute mark to check for your ideal doneness. If you want meatier bacon, take it out just as it starts to brown evenly. If you want crispy bacon, give it a few more minutes. Using this method, the bacon is perfectly cooked, and you have no grease splatters to clean up!

THE FLUFFIEST PANCAKES Say goodbye to packaged pancake mix, because if you want the best results, you need to start from scratch. The recipe you’ll want to use comes from The Kitchn. The recipe is Lofty Buttermilk Pancakes. Take care to note that the yolks and whites of the eggs are incorporated separately into the batter; the result is an incredibly fluffy pancake. Here’s another secret: This method of separating the yolk and whites can be applied to almost any pancake recipe. Just be sure to follow the Lofty Buttermilk Pancake recipe method for consistent results.

THE CRISPIEST BACON Cooking bacon can be a messy chore with a lot of cleanup. If you want to avoid this — and still end up with


The first day of school is on the horizon, which means football season is upon us as well. In the last several years, parents of athletes have likely heard a barrage of terrifying information regarding the number of concussions that occur every year, statistics that leave them wondering what they can do to help prevent and manage concussions for their child. There are a lot of theories about how to manage the symptoms associated with concussions. For example, some health care providers suggest rest, limited electronics, limited activity, dark rooms, and taking the athlete out of school for a period of time, but I have had the unfortunate experience of treating people who were told to do nothing but rest, and years later, they’re often still suffering from the same symptoms as adults. So, what should we do to make sure our young athletes are staying safe? First and foremost, a baseline cognitive test is an essential component of concussion management and should be performed prior to participation in any contact sport. Here at Activcore, we do what’s called the ImPACT test, which gives a baseline of cognitive function that we can then compare subsequent tests to following a concussion in order to develop a rehabilitation process and accurately determine when someone is ready to return to their regular activities or sport.

Second, there is no substitute for proper coaching when it comes to technique, particularly regarding tackling in football. If you have plans to place your child in peewee sports, recreational sports, middle school sports, and/or high school sports, please make sure qualified coaches and certified athletic training personnel are on hand who know what they are doing. Last, if you suspect your young athlete has a concussion, keep them out of their sport until they have seen a proper healthcare provider who deals with concussion management proactively. Let’s all be diligent in keeping our young athletes moving safer, smarter, and stronger. Start your young athlete’s season off right by bringing them to us for an ImPACT test today!



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