
Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers P.O. Box 2835 Westfield, NJ 07091 (800) 463-5918

Please send content to flipCHART Managing Editor | Lisa Marovec, Deadline is 1st of the month for the next month’s issue | Back issues: Charlotte Conference Community Service Event: Turning Point Learn more: It takes a lot of hands to get items ready to hit the sales floor at Turning Point’s upscale resale stores, which provide vital funding for its programs. That’s where CHART’s volunteers come in! Charlotte attendees will help sort donations, steam clothing, and clean housewares. Volunteers will also have an opportunity to help out at their shelter by cleaning and sanitizing, sprucing up landscaping, organizing

supplies, participating in activities with shelter residents, and cooking a meal! Sign up when you register for the conference, or by emailing

Call for Presentations — Kendall College 3 rd Annual Hospitality Conference

THE FUTURE OF SERVICE May 3, 2024, Chicago, IL

This event will explore the many facets of the service experience in hospitality and tourism, and explore what these trends mean for the future of service as we know it. They are currently requesting proposals for presenters and panelists who can share insights and case studies about how the industry is adapting to the new service paradigm. Submit Proposals by December 31, 2023 to:

CHART at the Workforce Management in Fast Casual and QSR Summit Wow! Many CHART members are speaking at this event, including Felicia White, Kelly McCutcheon, Rachel Richal, Corban Nichols, Christina Briggs, Tiffany Perez, and partners Rachael Nemeth and Sheila Bennett. Due to this, the organizers are giving CHART members a DEEP discount off of the registration fee of $795. For us - $99 (a $696 savings)! Register with discount code CHARTVIP at: (You will also need this password to access the site: quickserve ) If you have any issues, contact: CHARTVIP

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