

Police service sharing group


EMBRUN | Russell Township will have a different setup for its policing service for the year. Council will vote on a resolution at its Feb. 18 regular session to designate a representative on a Community Policing Advisory Committee. The group is a joint effort between Russell Township, the City of Clarence-Rockland, and the Village of Casselman. Mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre noted during the Feb. 3 committee of the whole session that the policing issue for municipalities who contract with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) was a hot topic at the first meeting this year of the Association of Mu- nicipalities of Ontario (AMO). He attended as the new president for the Eastern On- tario Wardens Caucus. “There was great concern,” the mayor told council.

AMO delegates voted to create an adviso- ry committee to look into the OPP costs sit- uation for member municipalities and the new policing contract model that the OPP have proposed to replace the previous one.

police beat

Speeder metamorphs into litterbug

A police officer trying to catch a speeder over the weekend had to endure a shrap- nel storm of litter. Const. David Dionne was on patrol on Highway 417 near the village of Russell Feb. 8 when he clocked a vehicle going 140 kilometres an hour in a posted 100 zone. He set off after the vehicle and discovered he was chasing after a litterbug. At one point during the pursuit along the highway someone threw some stuff out the passenger side window of the vehicle. Const. Dionne’s car was pelted with a col- lection of plastic cups. He brought the speeder to a halt in the end who was ticketed from speeding under the Highway Traffic Act. Debit card theft Police are hunting a would-be identity thief. Const. Cory Tremblay answered a call Feb. 5 about a theft from a vehicle parked near the Knights of Columbus Hall on St- Isidore Road in Casselman. A purse and several other items were taken from the ve- hicle. Later on that day someone tried to use the stolen debit and credit cards at the Na- tional Bank ATM machine in Casselman. Anyone with information about the theft or attempts to use the stolen debit and credit cards can call Const. Tremblay at the Embrun OPP station at 613-443-4499 or toll-free to 1-888-310-1122 or the CrimeStoppers toll-free confidential tips line at 1-800-222-8477. Impaired Driver Police have charged John Kaczmarek, 62, of Embrun with impaired driving and driv- ing with a blood-alcohol rating exceeding 80 milligrams. The charges resulted from a traffic complaint Feb. 5 about a vehicle weaving along Notre-Dame Street in Embrun. Police arriving at the location pulled the vehicle over and tested the driver with a roadside screening device. A fail reading resulted. Police took the driver to the sta- tion for a regular breathalyzer test with results showing blood-alcohol levels above the legal limit. Kaczmarek is scheduled for a provincial court appearance Feb. 19 on the charges. Trailer thief Someone is driving around with a stolen utility trailer. Const. Attilio Vortasio from the Hawkesbury OPP station is investigating a trailer theft report from The Nation Municipality. Sometime between Feb. 4 and 5 a person went into the back yard of a residence on County Road 3 and left with a utility trailer. The stolen trailer, measures 12 feet by sev- en feet, is black in colour and described as “extremely dirty” at the time it was taken. Anyone with information about the theft can phone the CrimeStoppers confiden- tial tips line toll-free at 1-800-222-8477.

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