

Local author publishes first book

project, his wife suggested he write a book. “I thought trying to sell to a traditional print publishing house would be a route to frustration,” Barker said when asked why he went the non-traditional, self-publishing, print-on-demand route. “I wanted to write my story with my characters and not be tied to someone else’s deadline. This way I could I thought trying to sell to a traditional print publish- ing house would be a route to frustration (…) I wanted to write my story with my characters and not be tied to someone else’s deadline. This way I could fit writing it into my family schedule. fit writing it into my family schedule.” Barker has also made a significant finan- cial investment in the marketing of his new book in the form of book trailers, advertis- ing, book conference attendance, local sales, and an upcoming trip to Los Angeles where will he pitch his story to seven repre- sentatives from the film industry. His web- site is and the book is available there, through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and directly from the author.


RUSSELL | Russell resident Scott Barker appeared at the Russell library on Sat- urday, December 8, to read from his first novel, Shadows Over Sheradan, which he self-published through publisher Xlibris. C’est ce jeudi que les téléspectateurs sauront qui, des 27 familles partici- pantes, seront au nombre des trois grands finalistes à Un air de famille. La famille Latreille de Hawkesbury et la famille St-Pierre de Casselman pour- raient en être. Toutes les deux ont par- ticipé aux demi-finales dont les résultats sont demeurés secrets. Le suspense de- meure jusqu’à jeudi soir à 20 h. Lors de cette émission très spéciale à la Télévi- sion de Radio-Canada, les finalistes per- formeront en direct, une première sur ce plateau. Ce sera aussi la première fois que le public sera invité à voter le soir même, puisque la famille gagnante sera dévoilée à l’issue de l’émission. Les votes pourront être acheminés via le site efamille ou par téléphone au 1 900 930- 3333. Un air de famille

Photo Candice Vetter

Russell resident Scott Barker is shown at the library in Russell where he read from his newly published first novel, Shadows Over Sheradan, on Saturday, December 8. He describes the novel as a high-octane fantasy adventure on the edge of space, with fast pacing and appeal for adults and young adults alike.

Barker lives in Russell with his wife and children and teaches at Osgoode High School in Metcalfe. He was a Canadian Forces reservist and is also a founder of the 5 Cyclone Squadron Air Cadets, which he retired from in order to have more time for

his young family. He had long been involved in role-playing games and after the gaming ended his writ- ing about the characters created in game world continued. He had always enjoyed writing and when he felt he needed a new

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