CPhT CONNECT™ Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021

ce CONTINUING EDUCATION or the patient history records can identify these missing and necessary vaccines. There is no way to know which offer might be accepted, but the un-made offer cannot be accepted! The vast majority of patients appreciate being told that they are due or nearly due for a vaccine. Tetanus and diph- theria vaccines should be given every 10 years, or more often in certain cases. Helping to develop a system to identify when these vaccines are due are helpful to the patient, helpful to maintaining herd immunity (against diphtheria), and helpful to the profits of the institution.

to understand their patients’ perspective. Why is the patient or the parent hesitant? Are they making a decision based on a lack of information or on bad information? Do they want to know what the science indicates? Did they have a previous bad experience with a vaccine or a health care team who treated them poorly? Did someone belittle their fears? Did someone make derogatory comments about their choices? Did someone call them stupid? If these events happened, vac- cine hesitance cannot be overcome until the burned bridge is mended. Honestly listen to the patient’s concerns. Do not make judgements about those concerns until you truly under- stand them. Patient counseling is not a part of the pharmacy technician’s duties but gathering information from the patient is. This information will help the pharmacist talk with the patient. Some patients and caregivers will not want to discuss their refusal of a vaccine. They are certain that they are correct and for them, that is the end of the discussion. That does not mean that the pharmacy technician should stop offering. If a patient is identified with a need for a vaccine, it should be offered, every time the patient is encountered. If there are multiple necessary vaccines, the patient should be informed that there are multiple infectious diseases that can be pre- vented or lessened through the use of vaccine. The pharmacy technician who is charged with reviewing the vaccine registry


Pharmacy technicians are integral members of the phar - macy team. Without pharmacy technicians, pharmacy services and the provision of drugs would be much less efficient than it is. Well-trained pharmacy technicians are being allowed to provide vaccines in an effort to expand the services that a pharmacy team can offer and to improve access for patients seeking preventative care. A qual- ity vaccination program, including pharmacy technicians administering vaccines, will demonstrate safety for the techni- cians, for the patients, for the businesses, and for the public. It will be exciting to see this proven in practice settings.


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