King's Business - 1941-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

What is the temple bf the Holy Ghost ? 1 Corinthians 6:19,20: “What! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” How did we get "all Scripture” ? 2 Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous­ ness.” . Why do we neèd the whole armor of God? Epnesians 6:11: "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” [ Detailed suggestions con cern in g methods of using these verses on 3"x5” memory cards, with the question and reference given on one side and the full verse filled in by the K . Y. B. C. member on the reverse side, appeared in the June issue of the Junior King*s Business .] New K. Y. B. C. Members The following- have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members o f the K n ow Your Bible Club* . BAKBRSFiELD , Calif.: R i t a S u t le r ; Kathryn Green,, and Margie and Orveta N° i o eAnxTT(^ s ^ FTr^nk H- N ikkei, leader). GRANITE FALLS, W ash.: Ruth D ona- hue (Mrs. Hazel Donahue, parent). xt C., Nancy- Geneva, R obert Drushel and Ruth Marie Campbell- Mary Fraley, and Bethel, Martha and Ruth Fugate (Mrs. E lizajane Stilhorn, •teacher). MOUNT SHASTA, Calif.: B everly CaieyV James C ook; ‘Leslie Davidson; Lavern Ghan; Tomm y H all; D orothy Fay Hays; Helen H eath; Shirley Jones;’ B illy K elly; B etty Jp K irk ; Donald N elson;’ Wayne O Dare; Jack R obert; Martha Jane Sim- mops, and Jimmy and Nancy Stocton (Mrs. W. D. Sanders, leader). OAKLAND, C alif.: Glenn A tkin son; Carl Bartman; Jay and Lloyd Bokm an; Blaine B olles; Glen and Ronald H endricks; Leon and Morton Laurent; Lindy M iller; Charles Smith, and W illiam W hite (Irma J. Fremd. leader). PASO ROBLES, Calif.: Sue C reel; E l- wood D yck; Phyllis Lam b; Jimmy Maple; Ina Mae M ills; B everly and W ilbur Moe; Louis Sanchez, and Richard Smith (Peter and-G ertrude Becker, teachers). PORTLAND, Ore.: Marilyn GraP (Hulda H. Graf; teacher). SAN 'MIGUEL, Calif.: Bernice, Cloteal and D elbert E lkins; Chequida Guthrie; Maxine Owpsby and Jan W right (Peter and Gertrude Becker, teachers). SIERRA MADRE, Calif.: Louis D. W il­ liams (E. C. W illiam s, p aren t).' WASHINGTON, D. C.; E lizabeth H enry (E thel Vance, leader). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John» using either your own Bible



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1. We march in a youth-fui ^ r-m y : We fight for the Lord our God; 2. We are by the foe out.numbered, They war with the arm of might; 3. The Lord, God of Hosts,ohr Cap-tain Leads on with t r i - urn-phant sway.

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ie foe is fierce end strong,They march a m ight-y th\rong, But we e - na - cious-ly theystrain New vie-, to -rie s to gain, But they e makes the foe to fle e : He gives the v io - to - ry, This is t__________________________ -e- -e- .....a - r



con -quer by the Liv- ing Word fight in vain a-gainst the Light why we fol-low and o - bey.

On-wardwe march,Ten thousand youth-ful

sol-diers, Fear-ing no foe, how - ev- er strong they be. On-ward for Christ: He

mmmgfm is our m ight-y Cap-tain; His is the fight, and H » the vic-to-ry.

Copyright 1941 by Oordot S. Hotter

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