Real Estate Journal — Southeastern Pennsylvania — April 13 - 26, 2018 — 13C
M id A tlantic
Lehigh Valley Chapter Commercial Real Estate Women
CREW LV Explores the Boomer Generation’s Impact on Real Estate
2018 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident B etsy S chamberger , M oonstone E nvironmental P resident -E lect J ulie M acomb N orris M c L aughlin , N orris , M c L aughlin & M arcus , P.A. P ast P resident K ristin H olmes H olmes C unningham E ngineering S ecretary M arie M c C onnell F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. T reasurer J ennifer K eat T ubiello –H arr & A ssociates , LLC C orresponding S ecretary C aitlin E nglish , D uke R ealty D irector - at -L arge D irector - at -L arge S haron M ichael , QNB D elegate J ulie P rofilet -S aucier KCBA A rchitects C ommittee C hairs F oundation C hampion K aren D uerholz B oyle C onstruction
Nazareth, PA — Mem- bers and guests of Commercial Real Estate Women of the Lehigh Valley held a special lunchtime session in Kortz Hall at Moravian Hall Square to examine how the rising tide of the Boomer generation is influencing real estate. Jane Schiff , an associate broker with Howard Hanna The Frederick Group and a founding member/past presi- dent of the CREW chapter opened the discussion with a profile of Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964. Growing families in the post- war years led to the develop- ment of suburbia, including housing, office parks and shopping centers. Adult boom- ers wanted large homes for their families, but down-sized in their empty-nester years, creating 55-plus communi- ties. A Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES), Jane noted 15% of Pennsylvania’s popula- tion are seniors; more than 300,000 of them are still in the workforce. Liz Brandl , Community Relations/Outreach Coordi- nator for Morningstar Liv- ing, said that today’s seniors
Jane Schiff, SRES
Liz Brandl
Sharon Waddell, ASID
Christa Kraftician- Duelberg, AIA, LEED AP
hallways and doorways for wheelchair access and acces- sible features throughout the home, particularly in bath- rooms and kitchens. Sharon Wadell, ASID with Senior Moves by Design, presented ideas onmaking the move to a new home a joyful one. Her team meets with clients to help them identify their favorite positions, and to rehome items that will not move with them. They com- pletely organize the packing and move. At the end of the moving day, the new home is entirely set up and box free. The client is ready to embrace the next life chapter. The session ended with a lively question and answer period and an optional tour of Moravian Hall Square. n
can expect to spend 26 to 30 years in retirement. By 2030, one in five Americans will be over the age of 65. The future funding of Social Security and Medicare coupled with rising health care costs are major considerations in making retirement lifestyle choices. While most seniors hope to maintain independent living either in the family home or an age-restricted community, too often a health crisis requires a sudden change in plans. The annual cost of nursing home care tops $140,000 annually. She presented the option of a Life Plan Community, where seniors may choose an apartment or home, and have access to personal care and skilled nursing as their needs evolve.
Christian Brown, RLA, CLA,ASLA , a principal of Browndesigncorp and a board member of Morningstar Liv- ing, which operates Moravian Hall Square, spoke about the importance of landscape design can have. A foremost concern is design to promote mobility throughout the com- plex, while green and open space have a health and well- ness component. Visual and physical access to gardens provide a positive stimulus. Christa Kraftician-Du- elberg AIA, LEED AP , a principal at Spillman Farmer Architects and a past presi- dent of CREW LV, addressed design strategies. Consider- ations for both aging-in-place and new construction for senior living include wider
L isa O liver M embership D arlene P ors S ara F inney M iller P rograms F rancee F uller S tephen D avis P ublicity K aisha R osa N atalia S tezeko
2018 SPONSORS Gold BB&T • Concannon Miller • Liberty Property Trust • Duke Realty • PennCap Properties Norris, McLaughlin &Marcus • Pennoni • Fitzpatrick Lenz & Bubba • Servpro • City Center Allentown Patron Keat Tax Accounting & Solutions • Boyle Construction • ECSI Newmark Grubb Knight Frank • Capstan Tax Strategies Friend Gross McGinley,LLP • Hanna Frederick Commercial • Fox Rothschild LLP NAI Summit • Campbell Rappold & Yurasits, LLP • K&H Window Treatment • QNB Contributor Barry Isett &Associates • Buckno Lisicky &Company • The Knoll Source • Feinberg Real Estate Advisors Holmes Cunningham Engineering • HMK Insurance • KCBA Architects • RCN Moonstone Environmental • Spillman Farmer Architects • Langan Engineering • JG Petrucci Co.
S ocial M edia A bby M artin
C ommunity S ervice C assidy F laherty F or membership information contact : D arlene P ors drpors @ htlyons . com
Attention CREW Lehigh Valley Members!!! If you would like to advertise in the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, Please Contact: Miriam Buttrick, Publisher 781-740-2900 x203 or email Miriam at
Francee Fuller
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