
Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — April 13 - 26, 2018 — 15C


M id A tlantic

P ennsylvania By Steve Dwyer, Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast Brownfield X Factor: Access Tools, Put Assurance, Science Into Real Estate Decision-Making


s a Mid-Atlantic real estate professional, you know the perils

its 9th Annual Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop (NSCW) Confer- ence on May 23 at New Jer- sey Institute of Technology in Newark, NJ. The agenda features a ros- ter of speakers from CT, DE, NJ, NY, and PA and panel discussions, where experts and attendees plan to dis- cuss the most current and state-of-the-art approaches and strategies. Within the real estate context, the con- ference is spotlighting sev- eral sessions that real estate professionals with a stake in

brownfield properties should view as a must-attend: “US- GBC's new RELi Resilience Standard - Designing Build- ings, Infrastructure & Com- munities for the Future.” Builders, developers, and other real estate profession- als will also benefit from “Metrics and Predictions of Real Estate and Sustainable Growth in the Northeast: Results of a Deep Data Dive” featuring Jones Lang La- Salle’s Director of Economet- rics. MARE Journal readers of this article who register by April 15 will be entitled

to the early-bird rate; use BCONEPARTNER to regis- ter at the discounted price. A t t e n d i n g BCONE ’ s NSCW’s conference will pro- vide real-world knowledge and actionable solutions that allow you to proceed confidently from point A to point B in the business cycle. In addition, you can network with the develop- ers, architects, attorneys and environmental professionals from CT, DE, NJ, NY, and PA that hold the key to fur- thering projects—who are adept at cracking the code

in determining most appro- priate end use. The NSCW’s goal is to break new ground, offer new ideas, and posit new concepts on the topics of sustainability, collaboration and leverage, contamination, resiliency, brownfields, tech- nology, and their impact on community revitalization. Past events have been at- tended by representatives from government, higher education, professional or- ganizations, and laborato- ries, as well as attorneys, developers, contractors, and consultants. n

that await you when it comes to dealing with the for-sale properties situated within the urban infill in DE, NJ and PA: By and large, these are the ones beset by dubi- ous track records marked by environmental histories and more. Indeed, engaging brown- field sites present challeng- es, but they don’t have to: They can be viewed as vi- able opportunities a part of your book of business. The key is accessing the proper tools and resources to assure success—and in turn infuse more science and assurance into the equation over the guesswork. You are the agent of record in listing a brownfield prop- erty in the Northeast/Mid- Atlantic regions. Pinpoint- ing the most appropriate end use—matching buyer with appropriate seller—can often be a yeoman’s task. Factor in that the this part of the country is marked by dense and diverse proper- ties across a wide swath of geographic conditions and circumstances, and you add further challenge to the process. Fortunately, you have at least one prime resource to tap. This spring, the Brown- field Coalition of the North- east (BCONE) is holding The region’s economic suc- cess story has started to attract international attention. The Lehigh Valley was the subject of a 24-page dedicated supple- ment in the inflight maga- zine of American Airlines, the world’s largest airline, which serves nearly 200 million pas- sengers a year. Additionally, the region’s booming logistics and e-com- merce sector was the focus of a front-page article in The New York Times , which notes that the Lehigh Valley “provides a gateway to the nation’s big- gest metropolitan area” due to its proximity to highways and easy access to much of the Eastern Seaboard. Colin McEvoy is the Di- rector of Communications for Lehigh Valley EDC. n continued from page 10C Lehigh Valley provides . . .

Lehigh Valley Arts on Brownfields April 19, 2018

Bridgeworks Enterprise Center, 905 Harrison St., Allentown, PA

Learn how the Arts are being used to spark Brownfield Redevelopment in the Lehigh Valley. We will meet at the Bridgeworks Enterprise Center in Allentown and depart via bus for tours of the Artsquest Steelstacks facility in Bethlehem, the Easton Silk Mill in Easton, and the Bridgeworks Enterprise Center (former Mack Truck) facility in Allentown. Along the way we will celebrate the successes of these projects and inspire attendees to leverage the Arts to redevelop brownfield sites. The event will include an interactive discussion with: LEhigh VALLEy ECONOmiC DEVELOpmENt CORpORAtiON, pADEp, USEpA, BCONE, pA DCED, NJit tAB , and others, followed by a networking reception at the Bridgeworks facility.

1:00 - 1:30 REgiStRAtiON 1:30 - 4:15 pm SitE tOURS

4:15 - 5:45 pm WORkShOp 5:45 - 7:00 pm NEtWORkiNg

Registration & Sponsorships available at: www.brownfieldcoalitionne.org/event-2734811

For further information contact: Sue Boyle, BCONE Executive Director at sboyle@geiconsultants.com; ph 856 608 6860

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