Tke LastWord on Ckrist’s Coming A Collation of Bible Passages Showing the Fallacy of the Idea that the Teaching Is N o t in the Bible By DR. R. A. TORRET H HE C ertainty of Christ’s Com- John 14 :3 ; Heb. 9 :28 ; Phil. 3:20, 21; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17; 2. To Fashion Anew the Body of our Hum iliation. Phil. 3 :2 0 ,’21. 3. To Reckon w ith His Servants. Matt. 25:19.
Acts 3:19, 20; Acts 1 :11 ; Joljn 21:22; Matt. 24:30, 35, 42, 45-51; 25:1-13, 19, 31; T itus 2 :13 ; II P et. 3:3, 4; Luke 21:34-36; I John 2 :28 ; Rev. 22:20. n . The Maimer of Christ’s Coining Again. 1. Personal. Acts 1 :11 ; John 14:3; 1* Thess. 4:16, 17. 2. Bodily a n d%Visible. Acts 1:11; Heb. 9:28; Matt. 24:30; 24:26, 27; Rev. 1; 7. 3. W ith G reat Publicity. Matt. 24: 26, 27; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17; Rev. 1:7. 4. In th e Clouds of Heaven w ith Power and G reat Glory. Matt. 24:30 (cf. Ex. 19:9; 3 4 :5 ; Ps. 97:1, 2; Matt. 17 :5 ; Ps. 104:3; 1 9 :1 ); Matt. 26:64; Mark 14:62. 5. In th e Glory of His F a th e r w ith th e Holy Angels. Matt. 16:27; Mark 8:38; II Thess. 1:7. 6. In His own Glory. Matt. 25:31. 7. In F lam ing F ire. II Thess. 1:8. 8. \Yith a Shout, w ith the Voice of th e Archangel, and the Trump of God. I Thess. 4:16. 9. W ith all His Saints. I Thess. 3: 13. 10. As a Thief unannounced, w ithout w arning, unexpectedly, suddenly. Rev. 16:15; I Thess. 5:2, 3; Matt. 24:37-39; 24:44; Luke 17 :26 -37 ;IT P et. 3 :10 ; Lk. 21:34, 35. III. The Purposes of Christ’s Coming Again. 1. To Receive His Own unto Himself. John 14 :3 ; I Thess. 4:16, 17; John 17: 24.
4. To Judge. Ps. 50:3-6; Matt. 13; 24-30, 31-43; 25:31-46; John 5 :22 ; II Tim. 4:1, 8; Jud e 14, 15; Rev. 20:5-15; Ps. 71:2-4; 96:10-13; 110:2, 3, 6; Is. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-5; Is. 11:1-5; Mai. 3:1-6; 4:1-3; Matt. 19:28; 3 :12 ; Luke 3 :17 ; Acts 10:42; 17:31; Rom. 2 :16 ; 14:9-12; I Cor. 4:4, 5; II Cor. 5 :10 ; Jas. 5:8, 9. 5. To B ring to L ight th e Hidden Things of Darkness and to Make Mani fest th e Counsels of th e H eart. 1 Cor. 4:6. 6. To R ender unto Every Man Ac cording to his Deeds. Matt. 16:27; II Tim. 4 :8 ; 1 Pet. 5:4. 7. To Complete th e Salvation of 'His People. Heb. 9 :28 ; 1 P et. 1:5. 8. To be Glorified in His Saints. II Thess. 1 :10 ; Col. 3:4. 9. To be United in Marriage w ith His Betrothed Bride, th e Church. Matt. 25:10; Rev. 19:7-9 (cf. Eph. 5:23-32). 10. To Reign as a King. Luke 19: 11-15; Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 19:11-16; 20 :4 ; 11:15; Ps. 2:1 -9 ; Zech. 14:9; Gen. 49:10; Num. 24:16-19; 1 Sam. 2: 7-10; Ps. 18:43-45, 50; 22:27-31; 24: 7-10; 45:1-17; 68:31-35;* 72:1, 2; 85: 1-13; 86 :9 ; 89:3, 4, 19-29, 36, 37; 96: 10-13; 102:12-28; 110:1-7; 132:11, 17, 18; Is. 4:1-6; 9:6, 7; 25:1-12; 29:17-, 24; 33:17-24; 35:1-10; 40:9-11; 42:1- 17; 45:6, 20-25; 49:8-26; 52:1-15; 63: 12; 54:1-17; 56:1-8; 59:15-21; 60:1- 22; 61:1-10; 62:1-12; 63:1-6; 65:17- 25; 66:10-24; Jer. 3:14-17; 23:1-8; 30: l r l l , 18-22; 33:1-26; Ezek. 37:15-28;
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