Vegetalis 2022 | EN

Greak Mini Basil Greg

Lemon Basil Limon

Unique, dense dome shaped growing habit Dark green mini leaves, perfect for pots or window box

Sweet lemon basil flavour with a compact, low growing habit and a light green leave

Avg. seed count: 860/g | Avg. leaf length: 4-5 cm | Avg. plant height: <30 cm | Days to maturity: 55-60

Avg. seed count: 670/g | Avg. leaf length: 2-3 cm | Avg. plant height: <30 cm | Days to maturity: 55-60

Purple Basil Deep Purple

Dark purple basil, with good vibrant colour and uniform stand

Avg. seed count: 790/g |Avg. leaf length: 5 cm | Avg. plant height: <30 cm | Days to maturity: 55-60


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